My Plan to Make 9,000$ Crypto Staking in 2022

Luma Books
4 min readJan 19, 2022


The easiest and safest way to make money with Crypto in 2022 is called Staking !!

So, for those with little knowledge about Crypto and Trading let’s explain what is Staking ?

In simple words Staking means freezing your coins to get a reward in return, this reward is a similar concept to receiving interests from your bank for your savings.

Staking is possible since some coins and blockchains are “Proof of Stake” which means validator nodes will receive rewards by adding blocks with transactions to the blockchain, in order to be elected as a validator node it needs a lot of coins blocked as a safety deposit.

Here’s where your frozen coins come in, they will allow validator nodes to be elected and then in return they will share the rewards with you !!

Is the best way to receive more coins, you were going to keep them in your wallet anyway, so why not stake ?

Let’s learn how to do crypto staking in 3 simple steps in 2022 and then let’s move to analyze the strategy I’m following …

How to stake crypto to get the best possible returns in 2022

STEP 1: Get an App like Binance or Crypto.

Use your Binance account, Crypto or Guarda Wallet. Create the accounts on the links below if you don’t have one.

Binance Account

STEP 2: Fund your account.

  • Option 1: You can buy crypto directly with your card for example or a bank transfer.
  • Option 2: Do a crypto deposit and transfer your coin from any other wallet or app.

STEP 3: Select the Staking option on the app and stake your coins.

How can I stake Matic in Binance ?

1. Get a Binance Account with 10% discount here.

2. Fund your Account to Buy Matic or Deposit your tokens.

3. Click Staking under Earn in the Menu.

4. Under Locked Staking search Matic and click Stake.

5. Enter the amount you wish to stake and click confirm.

Another option for staking Polygon Matic is

1. Get your Account here.

2. Buy or transfer your Matic.

3. Click the icon in the middle of the bottom bar.

4. Select Earn, then Start Earning now.

5. Select Solana and follow the instructions.

Now let’s take a look at the strategy for Staking and making 9,000 USD

For this strategy I’m looking for a coin not a token, which is running on it’s own blockchain and is currently under valued, I’m checking for the coin ecosystem, good candidates are those coins with some trading dapps, some nft markets and a price under the 1$ mark.

You can use sites like to check for coins and get a good idea of the performance, price, sites, news etc …

After doing some reasearch I have identified Tron TRX as a great candidate, the price of the coin is around $0.067394 at this time.

The Staking APY for TRX is around 8,17%, this means staking 10000 TRX will produce 70 coins per month which translates to getting 12520 TRX over a 3 year period.

In this scenario after 3 years TRX might be around a 0.8$ price point which translates to 10,016$.

This is not financial advise and I can not gurantee prices of crypto, this is just to show you how staking would work for you.

To recap, get your account, request the card so you can enjoy the 8% cashback and other perks.

Then fund the account so you can go to Binance and buy crypto. If you are following this guide buy TRX and stake it in Binance following the steps mentioned above.

Other coins you might consider for Staking in Binance is Matic which has lots of future and is currently low priced at around 2$.

I’m available to help with any questions via telegram:

In included affiliate links which means in the case of Binance you get a 10% discount on any crypto purchase you make with the app.



Luma Books

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