Myths about dStorage (Decentralized Storage)

Aditi Bindal (halfacupoftea)
4 min readJun 16, 2024


“I can’t store my data in a stranger’s house!”

Image of a typical house storage, Source: Real Simple

The above statement is the most common fear of beginners when they first hear the term “Decentralized storage”.

In this article I am going to bust some popular myths like these about decentralized storage which might be stopping you from opting in one as an individual or business. I’ll keep this article concise and to the point, hence we will not talk about the term dStorage here in detail, instead I will just give you a brief intro and then we’ll directly jump into the topic. I will use the term dStorage( acronym for decentralized storage) throughout this article.

What is Decentralized Storage?

Decentralized storage is one of the many popular applications of Blockchain (or Decentralization), where a large amount of data is divided into chunks and then stored in different nodes around the globe. Here the node (a computer) can belong to anybody with some free hard disk storage in their computer and are willing to rent their storage in return for some incentives.

Myth #1: “I can’t store my data in a stranger’s house, it isn’t safe

Let’s take an example of a warehouse. Some people rent out empty spaces of their house or a Garage to other people or businesses that are in need to store their goods or any other stuff. In this case, it is normal to worry about the location of storage because our goods are out there openly exposed in the environment, and anybody with the key of the warehouse can steal or harm the goods, but this isn’t the case in dStorage. Even if your data is stored in a computer which is owned by a person miles away from you or totally unknown to you, it is always encrypted and locked in such a way that a person can’t even view your data, forget about manipulation, even if they want to.

Hence, from now on, whenever you see the term dStorage, keep this quote from as a rule of thumb

People think about where their data is being stored (like it being stored by their shady neighbor) when really they should be thinking how their data is stored (is it encrypted, encoded, redundant?).

Myth #2: “What if a storage node goes offline? I can lose my data”

When I was learning about dStorage, this one trapped me. What will happen if someone shuts down their computer? My data has gone?, these were some common questions that were bothering me and it may bother you as well.

First, you need to understand, that once your file is uploaded it breaks down into several chunks and each chunk is copied and stored in the network. Which basically means that even if a node goes offline, your file will be rebuild using the redundant chunks in other nodes.

For eg. , in the dStorage offered by Storj, your file is broken down into 80 pieces, and you will need to retrieve only 29 out of 80 pieces to rebuild the file. So according to them, in a worst case scenario, 51 nodes can go offline simultaneously, and your file would still be available to you, isn’t it cool?

Myth #3: It’s Expensive and only for tech-enthusiasts

It’s a common assumption among new users that dStorage costs too much for regular users, and it would be really a headache for a non-tech user.

If you compare a traditional data center with a regular computer of a normal person in their bedroom, which one do you think would cost more? Exactly, the former one. These data centers with a centralized ownership, usually cost much higher than compared to decentralized storage, because in the latter one, many people with free storage in their hard disk are offering you space in their computer instead of a big large organization making a small slot for your data in their immensely huge data centers.

Plus, dStorage also reduces the overhead costs of managing these large data hubs, making it a cheaper option of storage without the shortcoming of security and access.

And if we talk about the complex technicalities of a Decentralized system, then let me tell you, many decentralized storage solutions are being developed with user-friendly interfaces and integrations, making it easier for regular users and businesses to adopt. The technology is becoming more accessible and practical for everyday use.


Even if decentralized storage is a new concept for many, it is still more secure, reliable and cost-effective alternative to traditional centralized storage solutions. By addressing common myths, we’ve seen that dStorage can provide peace of mind, knowing your data is securely stored and always available when you need it. So, don’t let misconceptions hold you back from exploring the benefits of decentralized storage for your personal or business needs.


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Aditi Bindal (halfacupoftea)

Here I journal my journey in tech from a woman's perspective. Bachelor @IITG with background in SWE, and a focus on web3.