NBlink: Link any domain to the decentralized web

2 min readMay 8, 2021


The decentralized web — aka Web3 is just around the corner. Thanks to NBdomain, to build a decentralized site has never been so easy.

But, there is still an inconvenience. To access NBdomain powered websites, people either need to use a specific browser — Maxthon browser, install an addon to Google Chrome or use a gateway service like https://api.nbdomain.com .

In this article, we will introduce a new technology — NBlink, which is capable of linking any domain to the decentralized web. Means the users can access NBdomain powered sites using any traditional domain and any browser.

Here is how to:

  1. Please make sure the decentralized site is up and running. Check this for details. Let’s assume the NBdomain used is helloworld.b
  2. Decide the domain you want to link to the decentralized site, for example: dsite.xxx.com .
  3. Goto xxx.com’s DNS management panel.
    Add a new TXT record for xxx.com:
    subdomain: dsite
    value: nblink=helloworld.b

4. Add a new ALIAS record for xxx.com:
subdomain: dsite
value: api.nbdomain.com
note: If your DNS backend does not support ALIAS record, you can add a A record and use the IP address of api.nbdomain.com

5. Open https://api.nbdomain.com (or any other NBnode servers)and goto services

Input dsite.xxx.com and click Apply. A small fee will be charged to avoid abusing the service.

6. Wait for 1 or 2 minutes.

7. Open https://dsite.xxx.com and you shall be able to see your decentralized site.

Benefits of NBlink powered sites:

  1. Very low cost:
    NBdomain cost: 0 (if you use a free domain)
    Hosting cost: 0 (if you host the IPFS node on your own machine or use a free service)
  2. Flexible:
    You can always update the site content with 0 cost.
  3. Accessible and censorship resistant:
    Since NBnode is decentralized, if one node is down or slow, you can always replace with another node.
  4. Fast:
    NBnode will automatically detect and use the fastest connection.

Any questions? Please join our telegram group https://t.me/nbdomain or community forum https://c.nbdomain.com




Blockchain Domain + Global ID + Updatbale DataStore