NFT Collection Deployment on CSC

4 min readMay 25, 2022


hey hey hey!

Hello everyone 0Xlive is here 😃

in this tutorial we will talk about CRC721 ,NFT and how to deploy our NFT on CSC using hardhat


Difference between fungible and non fungible resources

NFT stands for non-fungible token.which is a one-of-a-kind digital resource that uses blockchain technology. The first NFTs were made in 2017 before the term even existed. Soon after, crypto-kitties and crypto-sharks instituted the term on the market and even normalized Smart Contracts.

non-fungible means unique and unexchangeable.NFTs are unique; each one is different. Every single token has unique characteristics and values.


CRC-721 is non-fungible standard on CSC network. it is same as ERC-721.

“ERC-721 is a free, open standard that describes how to build non-fungible or unique tokens on the Ethereum blockchain. While most tokens are fungible (every token is the same as every other token), ERC-721 tokens are all unique.“

ERC-721 is an open standard that describes how to build Non-Fungible tokens on EVM (Ethereum Virtual Machine) compatible blockchains; it is a standard interface for Non-Fungible tokens

Lets get started 😃

first of all we need to make a directory for our project

and then change directory to crc721 and init a project with npm

cd hardhat-tutorial
npm init --yes

and now we are going to install hardhat

when installation completed run hardhat using npx

choose"Create a basic sample project” and enter yes for all 😃

note : it will ask you about hardhat-waffle , ethereum-waffle and hardhat-ethers, by the way you can install them manually using following instruction:

and press enter for all

we would use openzeppelin library to make it easy

we would write some code in the NFT.sol

let’s break the code above

in the first line of code we set MIT as license in machine readable format

it says to compiler to compile with version 0.8.10

we have imported ERC721.sol from openzeppelin library

the main part is solidity , our code must be under contract

we set simple nft as name and NFT as symbol for our contract

now its time to compile!

If there is no error , we will go for deploy :)

Hardhat Configuration

Firstof all, create a new file named run.js under scripts folder

put this code in run.js:

now , hardhat.config.json should be like this:

to deploy the contract , in your terminal type:

Congratulation 🥳

you deployed your first NFT on CSC network

we will go further and making some cool stuff

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