NFT market: Surging Undercurrents, Where to Go in the Future?

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3 min readAug 14, 2023


Today, I would like to share with you some recent changes in the NFT market and our thoughts on the future.

NFT Market: Crisis behind the Prosperity

Recently, the NFT market seems to have entered a dark period. The overall market sentiment has turned sluggish, and there has been a wave of project shutdowns in the NFT market. At the same time, some important NFT projects, such as Azuki, have encountered problems, resulting in a significant drop in blue-chip NFT prices.

All of this seems to indicate that the NFT market is facing unprecedented challenges. However, it is important to understand that the development of any emerging market is never smooth sailing, and challenges and difficulties are inevitable. The key lies in how we perceive and respond to these challenges.

Shrinking NFT Market: Temporary Difficulty or Long-term Trend?

The total market value, trading volume, and number of traders in the NFT market have all seen significant declines, and the widespread shrinkage in market value has resulted in a loss of popularity and funds for NFTs. This undoubtedly puts tremendous pressure on the NFT market.

What we need to understand is that market fluctuations are normal, especially for emerging markets where volatility can be even more pronounced. This does not necessarily mean a bleak future for the NFT market, but rather a deep adjustment preparing for better development in the future.

Project Closures in the NFT Market: Natural Elimination or Warning Bells?

In the NFT market, the bearish pressures have intensified the situation of “more wolves than meat,” and project closures have become a frequent occurrence. Even some NFT projects that have raised millions or even tens of millions of dollars in funding have been forced to shut down due to reasons such as a weak macroeconomy, poor business models, difficulties in profitability, and malicious attacks.

This undoubtedly dealt a heavy blow to the NFT market, but we can also see from it the market’s self-adjustment and survival of the fittest mechanism. Only projects that truly have value and can provide services to users can survive the market competition.

NFT Bad Debt Problem: Market Illness or Growth Pain?

Amid the general decline in the NFT market, a large number of blue-chip NFTs have been caught in a liquidation spiral, and many mainstream lending platforms have experienced varying degrees of bad debts, leading to panic-driven fund outflows. However, most lending platform officials have stated that they can cover the range of bad debts.

On the one hand, this indicates that the market’s risk management mechanisms are still not perfect and need further strengthening. On the other hand, it also reflects the growth of the NFT market. The market is undergoing a process of transitioning from disorder to order, from chaos to standardization.

Looking to the Future: Challenges and Opportunities Coexist

Despite facing many challenges at present, we are still optimistic about the future of NFTs. As a new type of digital asset, NFTs have unique attributes and broad prospects for application, making them have tremendous development potential.

We look forward to seeing more outstanding projects emerge in the NFT market, to witnessing the improvement of market rules and mechanisms, and to seeing the NFT market bring value and convenience to more people in its future development.




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