NFT Repurpose



Photo by Axel Ruffini on Unsplash

NFT or Non-Fungible Token is a digital property right! Since any digital creation can replicate, NFT puts a unique digital signature to claim your belongings.

But then, people start abusing their power to take advantage of others, including rug-pulled others.

And owning NFTs may only grant you a specific digital right of ownership. It is essential to verify the privileges of owning NFTs besides the proof of ownership.

Perhaps before purchasing any NFTs, you want to ask:

👉 who controls the design

👉 who controls the copyrights, trademarks, intellectual property rights, or any other rights

👉 what rights do owners have beyond the digital platforms

👉 what licenses that transfer to buyers through owning such NFTs

👉 what rights can be negotiated along with possession of NFTs

👉 where NFTs stored

So, the question back to square 1, why buy NFTs?

How do you verify people’s identities online without breaching their privacy?

The technology provides a unique identity that can be verifiable through the blockchain and prevents the government or corporations from encroaching their power into your privacy.

