Move Over, Kickstarter: NFTs are Reshaping Fundraising for Indie Games

Merlin Lisa
7 min readJun 14, 2023


In the ever-evolving landscape of fundraising for indie games, a new contender has emerged, stealing the spotlight from traditional methods like Kickstarter. NFTs have revolutionized the way investors and game developers connect, creating a unique and exciting avenue for raising funds. In this article, we will explore the incredible potential of NFTs in indie game fundraising and how they are reshaping the gaming industry.

The Success Story: Alien Worlds and the NFT-backed Games

Alien Worlds: A Blockchain-based Indie Game

One notable success story in the world of NFT-backed games is Alien Worlds. Created by the talented 15-man team at Dacoco development studio, Alien Worlds is a blockchain-based indie game that has captured the attention of both gamers and investors alike. Its innovative approach to utilizing NFTs as a fundraising tool has set it apart from the crowd.

The Impressive $250,000 Fundraise in Just Two Days

When Alien Worlds launched its NFT-backed “card packs” sale, the response was nothing short of extraordinary. In a mere two days, the game managed to raise an impressive $250,000. This success speaks volumes about the potential of NFTs in fundraising for indie games and the growing interest in this novel approach.

The Team Behind Alien Worlds: Dacoco Development Studio

Behind the success of Alien Worlds is the dedicated team at Dacoco development studio. Comprising talented individuals with a passion for gaming and blockchain technology, they have managed to create a game that captivates players and investors alike. Their innovative use of NFTs has opened new doors for indie game developers looking to fund their projects.

The Potential for Indie Game Developers

The Difference for Indie Game Developers

For indie game developers, NFTs offer a world of possibilities. Unlike traditional crowdfunding platforms, which often come with limitations and hurdles, NFTs provide a direct and efficient way to raise funds. This newfound accessibility is a game-changer for indie developers, empowering them to bring their visions to life.

Play To Earn: Investing in the Next Minecraft

Investing in smaller games with the hope of striking gold is akin to investing in cryptocurrencies. The thrill of finding that one game with the potential to become the next Minecraft and generate massive returns is an exciting prospect. NFT-backed game development present an opportunity for investors to get in on the ground floor of these projects, supporting indie developers while potentially reaping substantial rewards.

NFT-backed Games as True Investments

Traditional crowdfunding efforts offered rewards to backers, but NFT-backed games take it a step further. With NFTs, players not only receive in-game rewards but also gain ownership over digital assets. These assets can hold significant value, especially if the game gains popularity. NFT-backed games provide a unique investment opportunity, combining the love for gaming with the potential for financial returns.

The Evolution of Crowdfunding in Gaming

Traditional Crowdfunding vs. NFT-backed Games

The evolution of crowdfunding in gaming has been remarkable. Traditional crowdfunding platforms like Kickstarter allowed players to support game development by pledging money in exchange for rewards. While this model has been successful, NFT-backed games take it to the next level by offering ownership of digital assets through blockchain technology.

Incentives and Rewards in the Gaming World

The concept of offering incentives and rewards to backers is not new in the gaming world. In the past, players would pledge their support to receive exclusive in-game characters or invitations to elite launch parties. Fundraising through NFTs for games has been built upon this tradition, offering players the chance to own unique digital assets with real value.

NFTs as Ownership and Passive Income

NFTs provide a new dimension to ownership in the gaming world. In the past, land ownership was often limited to the privileged few. However, with NFTs, everyone has the opportunity to own virtual land and earn passive income from it. This democratization of ownership is one of the most significant advantages that NFTs bring to the table.

The Value of Digital Assets in NFT-backed Games

Resale Value and Digital Assets

One of the exciting aspects of NFT-backed games is the potential for digital assets to have substantial resale value. As a game gains popularity and its ecosystem grows, the demand for rare and unique in-game items increases. Players who own these coveted assets can potentially sell them for a handsome profit, creating a thriving secondary market within the game.

Complex Games and Yield-bearing Assets

NFTs in complex games offer more than just collectible cards. These digital assets can possess unique characteristics and functionality recognized by gaming smart contracts. Some NFTs might yield higher in-game currency when used, while others can be used more frequently. This level of sophistication adds depth and value to the gaming experience, making NFT-backed games all the more enticing.

Recognizing Gaming Smart Contracts

By leveraging blockchain technology, NFT-backed games enable the creation of gaming smart contracts that recognize the unique attributes of digital assets. Unlike traditional games where functionality is often limited, NFT-backed games can offer a more sophisticated experience, enhancing the gameplay and immersing players in a dynamic and evolving virtual world.

Embracing NFTs: Developers Creating New Revenue Streams

Giving Players Ownership over Assets

The idea of giving players ownership over in-game assets may seem unconventional to developers at first. However, the benefits can be substantial. Developers can create a new revenue stream by receiving a percentage of every in-game and on-chain transaction. Moreover, by allowing players to own assets, developers foster a sense of community and increase engagement within their game world.

Developers’ Involvement in In-game and On-chain Transactions

NFT-backed games open up avenues for developers to be more involved in the economic aspects of their games. By integrating in-game and on-chain transactions, developers can earn a percentage from each transaction, creating a sustainable revenue source. This not only incentivizes developers to create compelling gameplay experiences but also establishes a symbiotic relationship with the players.

Building a Community and Increasing Engagement

By embracing NFTs, developers can create a community of players who have a stake in the game world. This shared ownership fosters a deeper connection between developers and players, driving higher engagement levels. Players are more likely to invest their time and effort in a game where they have a financial stake, resulting in a more vibrant and dedicated player base.

Research and Planning for Successful Game Development

Understanding Scarcity and Building the Game’s Economy

To create a compelling gaming experience, developers need to understand the concept of scarcity. By strategically designing the availability of assets and resources within the game, developers can create a sense of rarity and value. Balancing scarcity with player demand is crucial to building a robust in-game economy that keeps players engaged and invested.

Creating an Incentivizing Environment for Players

Developers must craft an environment that incentivizes players to invest their time and effort in the game. By offering meaningful rewards and opportunities for progression, developers can motivate players to immerse themselves in the virtual world. Designing captivating gameplay mechanics, rewarding achievements, and fostering social interactions are all key elements in creating an enticing and engaging gaming experience.

Investing Time and Effort in Game Development

Creating a successful NFT indie game requires dedication, perseverance, and a significant investment of time and effort. Developers must be prepared to put in the necessary work to bring their vision to life. From conceptualizing the game mechanics to designing captivating visuals and implementing robust gameplay systems, every aspect of game development plays a crucial role in its success.


The emergence of NFTs in the world of indie game fundraising has brought about a paradigm shift in the gaming industry. With their unique ability to offer ownership and financial incentives to players, NFT-backed games have opened up new possibilities for developers and investors alike. The potential for substantial resale value and the creation of vibrant game communities make NFTs an exciting avenue for indie game fundraising.

As the gaming landscape continues to evolve, it’s essential for developers to stay informed and adapt to the changing trends. Embracing NFTs and understanding their impact on game development can lead to groundbreaking opportunities and propel indie games to new heights of success.


1. What are NFTs, and how do they work in gaming?

NFTs, or non-fungible tokens, are unique digital assets that are stored on a blockchain. In gaming, NFTs can represent in-game items, characters, or even virtual land. These assets can be bought, sold, and owned by players, providing a new level of ownership and value in the gaming world.

2. Can NFT-backed games generate significant revenue for indie developers?

Yes, NFT-backed games have the potential to generate substantial revenue for indie developers. By offering ownership of digital assets and creating a thriving secondary market, developers can earn a percentage of transactions and build a dedicated player base.

3. How do NFT-backed games benefit players?

NFT-backed games offer players the opportunity to own valuable digital assets and potentially earn passive income. By participating in the game’s ecosystem, players can engage in a dynamic and rewarding gaming experience.

4. Are NFT-backed games just a passing trend?

While NFT-backed games have gained significant attention recently, their long-term impact remains to be seen. However, the underlying technology and the possibilities it presents for ownership and engagement make NFTs a promising avenue for the future of gaming.

5. What should indie game developers consider before embracing NFTs?

Indie game developers should research and understand the concept of scarcity, design an engaging game economy, and create meaningful incentives for players. Balancing gameplay mechanics with the potential for financial returns is crucial for a successful integration of NFTs in game development.



Merlin Lisa

I am Merlin Lisa, an NFT enthusiast and marketer, fueled by a deep passion for the digital collectibles space.