NFTs and Blockchain: Unveiling the Future of Asset Ownership and Transactions

Ben Baiju
3 min readJul 25, 2023


In recent years, the emergence of blockchain technology has revolutionized various aspects of our lives.It has made us rethink the way in which we store and transfer assets.One of the major concepts of blockchain used in in NFTs. NFTs are Non Fungible Tokens.They have garnered significant attention and sparked a new wave of excitement in various industries in recent years.One of the main aspects of NFTs are that it is non fungible that is only a unique copy is present and it has its own distinct value in the blockchain. In this article, we will delve into the fascinating world of NFTs, exploring their characteristics, applications, and the impact they have had on the digital landscape.

What is Fungibility?

Fungibility, in the context of blockchain, refers to the ability to interchange tokens or cryptocurrencies of the same type without affecting their individual value. It can be likened to the exchange of currencies, where one unit can be easily swapped for another unit with no impact on their worth. For instance, one Bitcoin can be exchanged for another Bitcoin, and their values remain consistent. Fungible assets are highly tradable, as their individual worth remains unaffected during transactions..

Non-Fungible Tokens

NFTs, or Non-Fungible Tokens, are digital assets that possess uniqueness and distinctiveness. Each NFT represents a one-of-a-kind item, such as digital art, collectibles, music, videos, virtual real estate, or in-game items. This uniqueness is made possible by the underlying blockchain technology, often built on platforms like Ethereum, Cardano, Solana, and others. Blockchain technology ensures transparency, security, and immutability, allowing for verifiable ownership and a reliable transaction history for NFTs.

Uniqueness and Value

When two NFTs are traded, their value can differ significantly. Unlike fungible assets, where the value remains constant, the worth of an NFT is subjective and determined by factors such as scarcity, demand, and perceived value. The uniqueness of NFTs is what drives their appeal and has led to a vibrant marketplace where creators and artists can tokenize and sell their digital creations directly to consumers.


The applications of NFTs span across a wide range of industries. In the art world, NFTs have revolutionized digital art ownership and provenance. Artists can tokenize their works, creating a digital certificate of authenticity that can be bought, sold, and displayed by collectors. This has opened up new avenues for artists to monetize their creations and establish direct connections with their audience.

NFTs have also found their way into the world of gaming. Virtual items, unique characters, and in-game assets can be tokenized as NFTs, granting players true ownership and the ability to trade or sell their digital possessions. This has added a new layer of value and excitement to the gaming experience.

Furthermore, NFTs have enabled the creation of virtual worlds and virtual real estate. Individuals can buy and sell virtual plots of land, buildings, and spaces within digital environments, fostering a new form of online economy and creativity.


NFTs have played a significant role in the increasing notoriety of blockchain technology and have attracted numerous individuals to explore this field. It’s fascinating to witness the diverse range of applications for NFTs today, and it will be equally intriguing to discover the future possibilities that people will uncover for NFTs.



Ben Baiju

Passionate about tech, business, and finance. Exploring their intersections and leveraging innovation to unlock new possibilities.