NFTS Supporting Artists

A market that will last longer than speculative investments

Published in
3 min readMar 3, 2022


The Good

Crypto hits highs and lows but art is always in demand.

Non-fungible tokens have created a new way to buy and sell art and other digital assets online in a way that transcends national currencies, borders and region-specific copyright protections. How is it possible? Because price history, ownership and verification are built right into the smart contracts, right into the NFTs themselves.

Creators now have access to an international market without needing to research digital rights or copyright their work through a centralized agency, they only have to trust the blockchain.

NFTs make it possible to buy artwork anywhere with a device that supports a blockchain wallet and an internet connection. Imagine an Instagram where you could click on a piece of art you really like, buy it directly from the artist and have access to the high-res image in minutes. This is how NFTs Platforms create digital art markets in your web browser.

The Bad

Anyone who’s been in the crypto-space long enough knows blockchain isn’t infallible, cryptocurrency has a short and eventful history of scams, ICO rugs and even suspected fake deaths. With all that dirt on the table, it should be said the average user does not experience these issues because cryptocurrency is just another way to store and send value.

The Fucking Monkeys — A Segue
We know. Those of us who have lived the crypto-dream؟ for a while know that talking to the crypto-skeptical can be like being trapped in a batting cage that only shoots curve-balls. The Ape NFTs are a greased up trickball that keeps getting shot at our heads, distracting from the real reasons we support NFTs— cryptocurrency is cool and art is nice.
The open, decentralized nature of blockchain means anyone can do pretty much anything which includes making overpriced, overpublicized art.
But people did buy them for fun, investments or notoriety. If you shared a bunch of articles mocking the apes you probably contributed to their value and distracted from the individuals who benefit from the open market.
We’re aware of the irony here.

Why not find your favorite artist with NFTs and share their social media instead? Make NFTs about art again.

The Generally Neutral

Think of a crypto-wallet like a banking app, most users aren’t very serious about investing or spec trading; they want to buy stuff and manage their money.

The hyped rugs and widely mocked speculative market in monkeys shouldn’t prevent someone from spending a few dollars to buy art, music or writing that makes up the massive majority of NFTs. Most artists price their works based on the time and money that went into creating them, usually around the cost of an album or art print.

You can find evidence of the wider NFT market on platforms like OpenSea, Rarible and Zora which support large communities of artists and developers where they keep everyone informed — especially as issues arise. As much as we tout decentralization and individuality in the crypto-space; the security that comes from using a large, long-standing (relatively speaking) and open NFT platform is hard to match.
No system is perfect but there is help and accountability on a big platform.

If the only things you’ve heard about NFTs includes scams, over-valued assets and apes you’re only seeing a small, rotten slice of the cake.

There is more cake out there, it’s bigger, diverse, tastier and you can get into concerts with it. The cake is there to share, provide art, music and anything else on a worldwide open market.

Are you an Artist who wants to get into NFTs but doesn’t know where to start?
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