NFTs-What, Why, How

Krishna Kant
Published in
4 min readJun 26, 2022


Yes, let's hop on to NFTs now, after going through all the fundamentals of blockchain, this is the cheat blog which I deserve to write that my audience would feel right. So, without the delay of any block, let's chain it further…

The ‘What’
A Non-fungible Token (NFT) is basically a digital asset or can be called a cryptographic asset having a unique identification code and metadata which differentiate it from a fungible token. As with cryptocurrencies, they cannot be traded or exchanged at equivalent values.
Means like big black letters no? wait, I will dive deep and elaborate.
So, whatever we buy on this materialistic and objective-oriented planet, we receive a bill for it, that bill is the real NFT. Yes, it's that simple!
Why that bill is the NFT?
- Because it is having the identity detail of the seller, buyer,
- It consists of the agreed amount for the settlement and the specific date of that particular deal,
- It has a unique identification number that cannot be mutated, edited or cancelled in future
Now, if a similar bill can be reproduced online with the clause of security and unique nature, it can be called a digital bill or NFT(his divine grace).
Cool, we defined NFT from scratch!
NFTs function like communicators or information tokens, but unlike cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin or Ethereum, NFTs are not mutually interchangeable and are not fungible. The advocate of NFTs claims that NFTs provide a public certificate of authenticity or proof of ownership, but the legal rights conveyed by an NFT can be uncertain. The request of an NFT, as defined by the blockchain, has no inherent legal meaning and does not provide other legal rights over its associated digital files.

The ‘Why’
Why do we need NFT? Why do we want NFT? Why does NFT exist? Well, asking all these ‘why’ questions about NFT is bringing it next to the ‘purpose’ of existence question as we are still trying to answer all these ‘why’ for it as well. So, the answer is that it exists because the Gods of NFTs(we) want it to exist for some respectable reasons.
People interested in Crypto-trading and people who like to collect artwork often use NFTs. Other than that, it has some other uses too like:

-Digital Content: The most significant use of NFTs today is in digital content. Content creators see their profits enhanced by NFTs, as they power a creator economy where creators have the ownership of their content over to the platforms they use to publicize it.

-Gaming Items: NFTs have garnered considerable interest from game developers. NFTs can provide a lot of benefits to the players. Normally, in an online game, you can buy items for your character, but that’s as far as it goes. With NFTs, you can recoup your money by selling the items once you’re finished with them.

-Investment and Collaterals: Both NFT and Defi (Decentralized Finance) share the same infrastructure. Defi applications let you borrow money by using collateral. NFT and Defi both work together to explore using NFTs as collateral instead.

-Domain Names: NFTs provide your domain with an easier-to-remember name. This works like a website domain name, making its IP address more memorable and valuable, usually based on length and relevance.

Why NFTs are getting popular?
When someone buys a non-fungible token, they gain ownership of the content, but it can still make its way over the Internet. In this way, an NFT can gain popularity. The more it’s seen online, the more value it develops. When the asset is sold, the original creator gets a 10 per cent cut, with the platform getting a small percentage and the current owner getting the rest of that revenue. Thus, there is potential for ongoing revenue from popular digital assets as they are bought and sold over time.

The ‘How’

NFTs work on blockchain technology. Each NFT has the potential for several different applications due to its distinctive construction. A digital asset management platform is an ideal vehicle for digitally representing physical assets, such as real estate and artwork. In addition to removing intermediaries and connecting artists to audiences, NFTs can also serve as identity management platforms because they are built on blockchains. NFTs can remove intermediaries, and make transactions more efficient.

  • At a very high level, most NFTs are part of the Ethereum blockchain, though other blockchains have implemented their own version of NFTs. Ethereum is a cryptocurrency, like bitcoin or dogecoin, but its blockchain also keeps track of who’s holding and trading NFTs.
  • NFTs are individual tokens with valuable information stored in them.
  • Because they hold a value primarily set by the market and demand, they can be bought and sold just like other physical types of art.
  • NFTs’ unique data makes it easy to verify and validate their ownership and the transfer of tokens between owners.

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