On the Magical Properties of the Laplacian Matrix

Uri Itai
8 min readJun 10, 2024


It was a week that left me awestruck, a delightful convergence of seemingly disparate paths. I found myself immersed in two captivating data science projects: one unraveling the mysteries of clustering unlabeled objects in visual data, and the other delving into the intricate dance of information flow within the brain’s neural networks.

At first blush, these endeavors appeared entirely unrelated, like parallel universes destined never to intersect. Yet, as I delved deeper into the heart of the problems, a remarkable discovery emerged — the solutions to both conundrums were rooted in the same fundamental technique: harnessing the power of the enigmatic Laplacian matrix.

Ah, the Laplacian matrix, a mathematical marvel that has captured the imagination of researchers and scholars alike. At its core, it is a generalization of the second derivative, but for the realm of graphs — those intricate networks of nodes and edges that represent the interconnected nature of our world.

Recall that a graph is a visual representation of the relationships (edges) between a collection of entities (nodes). It is a tapestry woven from the threads of connectivity, revealing the intricate patterns that underlie complex systems. And it is within this tapestry that the Laplacian matrix finds its purpose, serving as a powerful tool for unraveling the secrets hidden within the graph’s intricate structure.

This serendipitous convergence struck me like a bolt of lightning, igniting a sense of wonder and curiosity that I simply couldn’t contain. In a moment of sheer exhilaration, I sought counsel from a friend, sharing with them this extraordinary coincidence. Their response, however, proved to be the catalyst that truly set my mind ablaze: graph neural networks, too, draw their lifeblood from the very same source — the Laplacian matrix.

It was in that instant that the pieces fell into place, a tapestry of interconnected concepts woven together by a common thread. Inspired by this revelation, I felt compelled to share my insights, to craft a narrative that would illuminate the far-reaching influence of this unassuming matrix. Thus, fueled by a newfound sense of purpose, I embarked on a journey to compose a post that would pay homage to the Laplacian matrix’s ubiquitous presence in the realms of data science.

Manifolds that can be represented as graphs

Let’s recall the definition of the second derivative is the limit of

The second derivative

One can define the second derivative for a function defined on a grid with gaps of length h as follows:

The second derivative stencile

From this, we can conclude that the second derivative represents the difference between the value of the function and the average of its neighboring values. When considering temperature, it becomes evident that the change in temperature is proportional to this quantity. Therefore, the heat equation states that the temperature change is equal to the second derivative multiplied by the heat diffusion constant, which depends on the thermal conductivity of the environment.

Using this concept, the second derivative and the heat equation can be generalized not only for equal-length grids but for all graphs. To achieve this, we define the Laplacian matrix. The Laplacian matrix is a matrix representation of a graph that captures its structure and properties. For a graph with n vertices, the Laplacian matrix L is an n×n matrix defined as L=D−A, where D is the degree matrix — a diagonal matrix with each diagonal element Dii representing the degree (number of connections) of vertex i — and A is the adjacency matrix, where Aij is 1 if there is an edge between vertices i and j, and 0 otherwise. One can point out that the way we define the Laplacian matrix is analogous to the negative of the second derivative, which will become clear later on. An additional point is that we omit the denominator of the second derivative. This does not affect the spectral properties that we are focusing on here.

Pierre-Simon Laplace

The first observation about the Laplacian matrix is that it is symmetric, which implies that all its eigenvalues are real and its eigenvectors are orthogonal. The second observation is that the sum of all the elements in each row (and column) is zero.

Therefore, for the flat vector, all entities are one we have:

Why zero is a eigenvalue

This implies that the uniform vector is an eigenvector of the Laplacian matrix for any graph. In terms of calculus, this means that the second derivative of a constant function is zero. From the perspective of heat diffusion, if heat spreads uniformly, there would be no change in temperature. This aspect of information flow explains why the Laplacian matrix plays an important role in the analysis of information transformation. When there is no temperature difference or gradient, the heat flow reaches a steady state, and there is no further change in the temperature distribution. Similarly, in the context of information transformation, the Laplacian matrix captures the structure of the graph and how information flows or diffuses through the network. If there are no differences or gradients in the information across the vertices, the information has reached a uniform or equilibrium state, and there is no further transformation or flow. The Laplacian matrix’s ability to model this diffusion process and capture the steady-state conditions makes it a crucial tool in analyzing information transformation on graphs and networks.

Typical graph of a social network

Since the Laplacian matrix is symmetric, its algebraic and geometric multiplicities for each eigenvalue are indeed the same. The multiplicity of the zero eigenvalue turns out to be significant because it corresponds to the number of connected components in the graph.

The eigenvectors associated with the zero eigenvalue are indicator vectors for each connected component. This means that for a given eigenvector corresponding to the zero eigenvalue, the entries will have a value of one for the nodes belonging to a particular connected component, and zero for all other nodes not in that component.

This property arises from the fact that the Laplacian matrix captures the connectivity and flow within the graph. If a set of nodes forms a disconnected component, there can be no flow or diffusion of information between that component and the rest of the graph. Consequently, the Laplacian matrix will have a null space (corresponding to the zero eigenvalue) whose basis vectors represent these disconnected components.

Understanding the multiplicity of the zero eigenvalue and its associated eigenvectors provides valuable insight into the graph’s structure and connectivity, which is crucial in analyzing processes like information flow, diffusion, and transformation on networks.

To tackle the non-zero eigenvalues we let us consider the Laplacian as a quadratic form namely, xt Lx. After some algebra with the definition of the Laplacian matrix we have:

The Laplacian as quadratic form

Therefore, the Laplacian matrix is non-negative definite, meaning all of its eigenvalues are non-negative. This explains why we define it as the negative of the second derivative.

Graph Cut

An insightful explanation of the significance of the smallest non-zero eigenvalue of the Laplacian matrix, known as the spectral gap or the Fiedler value, and its associated eigenvector, the Fiedler vector.

Miroslav Fiedler

A few key points to highlight:

  1. The magnitude of the spectral gap (smallest non-zero eigenvalue) indicates the degree of connectivity in the graph. A value very close to zero implies that the graph is nearly disconnected, while a larger value suggests a strongly connected graph.
  2. The components of the Fiedler vector (eigenvector associated with the spectral gap) can be used for clustering the nodes. Taking the sign of the components naturally separates the nodes into distinct clusters.
  3. The Fiedler value is related to the minimal cut/maximal flow equality, which is a fundamental concept in network flow theory and graph partitioning.
  4. The Fiedler vector provides a way to partition the graph into two subsets by splitting the nodes based on the sign of their corresponding entries in the vector. This partitioning can be useful for various applications, such as clustering, community detection, and graph bisection.

The above highlights the deep connection between the spectral properties of the Laplacian matrix and the structural and flow-based properties of the underlying graph. The Fiedler value and vector serve as valuable tools for analyzing and understanding the connectivity, clustering, and partitioning characteristics of graphs, making them important concepts in the field of spectral graph theory and its applications.

How can use the graph structure in data? If we have a metric between each two instances we can construct the graph where the weight on each vertex is the distance between the associated data instance according to the metric. For example, the cosine metric can be chosen. Following this we get the spectral clustering for two clusters.

What about the other eigenvalues and eigenvectors? It turns out they reveal a lot of important information.

For example, Spanning Trees: The product of all non-zero eigenvalues (properly normalized) of the Laplacian matrix gives the number of spanning trees in the graph. This can be considered as the determinant of the matrix after projecting to the vector space spanned by all the vectors not associated with the zero eigenvalues. This is a remarkable property that connects spectral graph theory with combinatorial graph properties.

The Laplacian matrix defines a heat diffusion problem on the graph. The eigenvectors of the Laplacian can be seen as a generalized Fourier basis for the graph. This analogy with the Fourier transform in continuous domains allows us to use eigenvectors to analyze various diffusion processes on the graph. Using this approach, one can analyze random walks on the graph.

In recent years, the use of Graph Convolution has gained popularity. Since convolution in the frequency domain is a product, we can define convolution operations for graphs using the Laplacian eigenvectors. This forms the basis for Graph Convolutional Networks (GCNs), which generalize Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) to graph-structured data.

Another use is clustering and community detection. Clustering based on the eigenvectors of the Laplacian matrix introduces spectral clustering. This method often yields superior results compared to traditional clustering algorithms because it leverages the global structure of the data. By considering the eigenvectors, spectral clustering can effectively identify communities and clusters within the graph.

The Laplacian matrix possesses numerous remarkable properties. It might seem too good to be true, but it is indeed real. In this blog post, I demonstrated how information flow, clustering, and graph neural networks all leverage the properties of the Laplacian matrix. I believe this is just the tip of the iceberg. Therefore, I encourage readers to delve deeper into this amazing technique.



Uri Itai

Mathematician in exile, researching algorithms and machine learning, applying data science, and expanding my ideas.