Ethereum | ZK-Rollup

OnlyDust: Connecting Developers to Build the Future of StarkNet

A Hub & Nexus For Compensated Community Collaboration

Published in
5 min readSep 27, 2023


Collaboration by Antenna

OnlyDust is a marketplace that allows developers to contribute to building the StarkNet ecosystem. It is a one-stop shop for developers to find projects to work on, connect with other developers, and get paid for their work.

OnlyDust is unique in a few ways.

  1. It is focused on the StarkNet ecosystem, which is a rapidly growing Layer 2 scaling solution for Ethereum.
  2. OnlyDust offers a variety of ways for developers to get paid, including tokens, USDC, and a combination of both.
  3. OnlyDust has a strong focus on community, with events and workshops designed to help developers learn and collaborate. They were finalists at the StarkNet hackathon, co-organized the inaugural StarkNet CC, and host a series of ‘Tech Talk’ sessions with ecosystem leaders.

OnlyDust is pioneering in that it is designed to bridge the gap between StarkNet and open-source projects. Recognizing the challenges StarkNet faced in attracting and incentivizing top-tier developers, OnlyDust emerged as a marketplace to connect project builders with developers. This platform not only facilitates collaboration…

