PASSIVE INCOME — Learn how people build massive wealth by automation

Quantum Thinker


“In an age of infinite leverage, judgement is the most important skill.” — Naval Ravikant

In modern world, no one is safe. We need to have alternative income or passive income in addition to our main source of income because recession is imminent, and inflation is at its maximum level.

A passive income vetted that you can be successful at something else outside of your work experience, education, or your parent’s selfish wants for your life by using your existing skills to find few customers who will pay you for these skills, rather assuming to settle for one safe customer (boss/company) who generally take advantage of that position for profit.

Passive Income
Passive Income

First let’s understand what passive income is:


1. Passive income is actually survival

The idea of earning money without working as hard or being stuck in a repetitive cycle can be tempting and frustrating. I empathize with those feelings.

Corporate Grind — Man at Hamster Wheel
Corporate Grind — Man at Hamster Wheel



Quantum Thinker

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