Permissioned Blockchain: Hyperledger Fabric (An Overview)

Ronit Malhotra
Published in
7 min readMar 28, 2024


A permissioned blockchain, unlike its permissionless counterparts such as Bitcoin or Ethereum, restricts the participants who can join the network. Hyperledger Fabric is a prominent example of a permissioned blockchain framework designed for enterprise use. It enables organizations to build and manage consortium blockchains, where only selected members have access to the network. This setup is particularly appealing for business applications requiring privacy, compliance, and performance not achievable on public blockchains.

Introduction to Hyperledger Fabric

Hyperledger Fabric is part of the Hyperledger project hosted by the Linux Foundation. It’s specifically crafted for enterprise solutions, offering a modular and configurable architecture that supports a wide range of industry use cases, including finance, supply chain, healthcare, and more.

Framework and Architecture (PC SLO)

Hyperledger Fabric introduces a unique architecture that differs significantly from other blockchain systems. Here’s a simplified breakdown:

  • Permissioned Network: Only identified participants have access, which enhances security and compliance.
  • Channels: These are private “subnets” of communication between two or more specific network members, allowing for confidential transactions.
  • Smart Contracts (Chaincode): Business logic is implemented in Chaincode, which is Hyperledger Fabric’s version of smart contracts. It allows members to agree on the ledger state after transactions.
  • Ledger: Consists of two parts — the world state (current state of the ledger) and the transaction log (history of all transactions).
  • Ordering Service: Establishes the order of transactions and packages them into blocks, ensuring consistency across the network.

Tools and Technologies (FF CC)

Hyperledger Fabric offers several tools and technologies for developing and deploying blockchain applications:

  • Fabric SDKs: Available in multiple programming languages (e.g., Node.js, Java, Go), these SDKs enable developers to build applications that interact with the Hyperledger Fabric network.
  • Fabric CA (Certificate Authority): Manages identity and issues certificates to network participants, ensuring secure communication.
  • Hyperledger Composer: Although now deprecated, it was initially a set of tools for building blockchain business networks. Its functionality is being merged into the core Fabric project and other tools.
  • Chaincode: Written in languages like Go, Java, or Node.js, Chaincode encapsulates the business logic.

Example and Analogy

Imagine Hyperledger Fabric as a highly secure and exclusive club. This club (network) is only open to members who have been invited and vetted (permissioned access). Within this club, there are private rooms (channels) where members can have confidential conversations and transactions without the knowledge of the entire club. The club’s rules (Chaincode) are agreed upon by its members and enforced by the club’s management (ordering service) to ensure order and consistency.

For instance, a group of banks wants to streamline the clearing and settlement process. They join a Hyperledger Fabric network where each bank operates as a node. They create a private channel for transactions, ensuring sensitive information is not exposed to the whole network. Using Chaincode, they automate and enforce the agreement terms for each transaction, significantly reducing processing time and costs while maintaining high security and privacy levels.


Hyperledger Fabric stands out for its flexibility, privacy features, and enterprise-grade capabilities, making it a suitable choice for businesses looking to leverage blockchain technology. Its architecture supports a range of applications and use cases, providing a solid foundation for developing sophisticated, permissioned blockchain networks.

What is a Permissioned Blockchain?

Imagine a private club where only members can enter. A permissioned blockchain is like this club but in the digital world. It’s a type of blockchain where not everyone is allowed to join or see what’s happening inside. Only specific, invited people or organizations can participate. This setup is useful for businesses or groups that need to keep their transactions private and secure among themselves, unlike a public blockchain like Bitcoin, where anyone can join and see all the transactions.

What is Hyperledger Fabric?

Hyperledger Fabric is a tool or platform for creating private blockchains — it’s like a kit for building your own secure and private digital club. It’s specifically designed for businesses that need to keep their data confidential and secure while working with other organizations they trust. Think of it as a private, customizable network where companies can securely transact and share information without worrying about outsiders peeking in.

Is Hyperledger Fabric a Use Case of Blockchain?

Yes, in a way, it is. A “use case” means a scenario or example of how something can be used. Hyperledger Fabric provides a specific way to use blockchain technology for private, enterprise-level applications. It’s like a specialized tool in a toolbox (blockchain technology) designed for specific projects (enterprise solutions).

What is Hyperledger Fabric Composed Of?

Hyperledger Fabric is made up of several parts that work together:

  • Permissioned network: This ensures that only invited members can join.
  • Channels: Private “spaces” or channels where a group of members can conduct transactions in secrecy, away from the eyes of the rest of the network.
  • Smart Contracts (Chaincode): Rules that govern the transactions within the blockchain. It’s like an automated, unbiased referee that makes sure everyone plays by the rules.
  • Ledger: A record book that keeps track of all transactions. In Hyperledger Fabric, it’s unique because it allows for private transactions.
  • Ordering Service: This organizes transactions into the correct sequence, ensuring everything runs smoothly and in order.

What Does Framework and Architecture Mean?

  • Framework: This is the set of tools and components provided by Hyperledger Fabric to build your blockchain. It’s like getting a Lego set with instructions and all the pieces you need to build something specific.
  • Architecture: This refers to how all those pieces and tools fit together to work smoothly. It’s the design of your Lego castle, including where each room goes, how the walls are built, and how the pieces interconnect.

Tools and Technologies Under Hyperledger Fabric

Several tools and technologies are available with Hyperledger Fabric to help build and manage your blockchain network:

  • Fabric SDKs: Software kits in different programming languages that help developers create applications to interact with the blockchain.
  • Fabric CA (Certificate Authority): A system that provides digital certificates to members, proving their identity and allowing them to securely join the network.
  • Chaincode: The programming code that represents smart contracts in Hyperledger Fabric, laying out the rules for transactions.

In simpler terms, Hyperledger Fabric gives businesses a private, secure, and flexible way to work together using blockchain technology. It’s like creating a secure digital space where companies can quickly and safely share information, make deals, and track transactions with trusted partners, all with the guarantee that their data remains private and secure.

Some more…

Let’s dive into some components and concepts related to Hyperledger Fabric, using simple terms and analogies to explain each aspect.

Certificate Authority (CA)

Imagine you’re throwing a party, but not just anyone can come in; they need a special pass. In Hyperledger Fabric, the Certificate Authority (CA) is like the gatekeeper that issues these passes. It’s a system that gives digital certificates to everyone on the blockchain, proving who they are. This way, only those with a valid “pass” (certificate) can participate, making the network secure and trustworthy.


Nodes are like the guests at the blockchain party. Each node is a computer that plays a role in the network. There are different types of guests (nodes), such as:

  • Peers: These nodes store the ledger and run chaincode (smart contracts). They’re like the party-goers who keep track of what’s happening and enforce the rules.
  • Orderers: These nodes put transactions into the correct order and make sure they’re delivered to all peers. Think of them as the DJs, deciding the sequence of songs (transactions) to keep the party (network) flowing smoothly.


Chaincode is Hyperledger Fabric’s term for smart contracts. Imagine you’re playing a board game at the party, and there’s a rulebook everyone follows. Chaincode is like that rulebook, defining the rules of the game (transactions) on the blockchain. It ensures that everyone agrees on the outcome of each action (transaction).


Channels are private pathways where specific nodes can communicate and transact securely, away from the eyes of the entire network. It’s as if a group of guests at the party decide to have a private conversation in a side room. Only those invited to the channel can see and participate in the transactions happening there, which keeps sensitive information protected.

Consensus Mechanisms: Solo, Kafka, RAFT

Consensus mechanisms are methods used to ensure all nodes agree on the state of the ledger. It’s like deciding on a game to play at the party; everyone needs to agree before proceeding.

  • Solo: This is a simple mechanism for testing and development, where a single node acts as the decision-maker. It’s like letting the party host decide the game alone, which works fine for small, informal gatherings.
  • Kafka: A more complex system that ensures transactions are processed in order and without loss. Imagine a committee at the party deciding on the game, ensuring the process is orderly and fair.
  • RAFT: Similar to Kafka in ensuring order and fairness but easier to manage and more modern. It’s like having an updated committee system with better communication tools for decision-making.

Designing Hyperledger Blockchain

Designing a Hyperledger blockchain is like planning the party. You decide who’s invited (nodes), what games will be played (chaincode), where private conversations can happen (channels), and how decisions are made (consensus). The goal is to ensure the event runs smoothly, securely, and enjoyably for all guests.

Other Challenges: Interoperability and Scalability

  • Interoperability is about different blockchain systems being able to understand and work with each other. Imagine if guests at different parties spoke different languages; interoperability is like having a universal translator so everyone can communicate.
  • Scalability is the ability of the blockchain to handle a growing amount of work or its potential to be enlarged. Think of it as ensuring the party can grow larger without becoming too crowded or running out of food, maintaining the fun for everyone.

Fundamentals of Hyperledger Composer

Although now deprecated, Hyperledger Composer was a tool for easily creating Hyperledger Fabric applications. It was like a party-planning service, providing an easier way to organize the event, from invitations (smart contracts) to activities (transactions). Composer offered a high-level, user-friendly interface for designing the blockchain system, akin to a guided setup process for hosting your party.

By understanding these components and concepts, you’re better equipped to grasp how Hyperledger Fabric operates as a permissioned blockchain, offering a secure and efficient environment for business transactions and collaborations.



Ronit Malhotra

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