Pixelland DAOs

3 min readApr 19, 2022


Clans, factions, and guilds have always been an exciting part of gaming worlds. Clans encourage social interactions and coordinated game-strategies which enhance the experience and feelings of immersion for players. Players have often used clans for raids to fight challenging bosses and secure the best loot for their members. This is why Pixelland has opted to include DAOs and encourage players to work together. Since DAOs are of course on-chain, players can have the freedom to build any type of DAO they want for Pixelland, and the top DAOs will be visible on the in-game clan menu. DAOs will make Pixelland’s economy more interactive and complex, and give players more custom-made tasks to complete for their clan. Each successful DAO will have a name, ranking structure, purpose, and reward distribution scheme for its members. Only Pixelland focused DAOs will be included in the in-game clan menu. Examples of possible DAOs: NFT Hunters: A clan is made for accumulating as many NFTs as possible. This clan is special because it has no leader, and it includes smart contracts which restrict selling of NFTs out of the DAO. Only members can equip and use the items, but they cannot sell them without a special vote.

Builders Guild: This clan is focused on obtaining resources like stone and wood for building specialized homes and farming. Their purpose is to corner the wood and stone market in the marketplace, and ensure that all members have adequate amounts of resources. Merchants DAO: This DAO is made for buying and selling resources and NFTs on the marketplace for a profit. Top profiteers can rise through the ranks based on results, and receive commissions. Other players and guilds will often seek out this guild to market and sell their items.

Fashion Collector’s DAO: This is an example of a DAO whose main purpose is for its players to dress the most creatively in Pixelland and try to be as fashionable as possible. This guild might have pageants or clothing contests, where the most popular characters receive rewards and donations. This DAO is made solely for entertainment, but can also be used for marketing NFTs and advertisements.

As you can see, there are many interesting use-cases for DAOs in Pixelland and we believe it will greatly enhance the gaming environment of Pixelland. DAOs make Pixelland more interactive and enhance the market economy by encouraging complex societal developments. This list is an example of the variety of DAOs that are possible in Pixelland, and is by no means exhaustive. Players will have the full freedom of the EVM and smart contracts to decide how they want to build their DAOs.


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