Polkadot Hello World Article Series

Polkadot Hello World #2: Get Ready to Be Nominated as Official Validator

The tutorial is based on Polkadot POC2.

Published in
10 min readOct 8, 2018


This is the second article of the series, click on the link above the Title for a list of all articles.

I suppose you followed the steps as described in my first article and have now a stable Polkadot Validator cloud instance running.

So what does that mean, actually?

Well, you have a node running which is building up a local copy of the parachain exposed by the Krumme Lanke Polkadot POC-2 test net. So you are more or less an active listener on the relay chain and are processing the newly created block and seal them into your local blockchain DB.

This situation can be explained by using a modified tweet of @iamdevloper, which is famous for funny to-the-point messages, as for example

Actually, you entered the blockchain space with a validator node … but … are not part of the party yet.




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