Populations Should Redefine the Social Contract

Douglas DeMaio
Published in
3 min readJan 28, 2024


The digital age has long been upon us for some time, but now cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum, Solana and others are not just altering the financial landscape; they have a potential for reshaping the dynamics of governance, taxation and the social contract itself.

The emergence of global digital money presents an unprecedented opportunity to reconsider how governments interact with mobile and financially empowered populations.

Let’s explore this potential shift in citizen-centric policies, fairness and equality as societies will begin to gradually adopt new frameworks in alignment with an evolving digital world.

The traditional social contract, based on the principles of mutual obligations between the state and its citizens, needs a transformation. In the context of cryptocurrencies, this contract can be renegotiated to better align with a world where financial transactions transcend national borders. Digital currencies offer a unique challenge to the conventional notions of sovereignty and fiscal policy, urging governments to adapt to a more globalized, immigration friendly and financially decentralized citizenry.

As individuals become increasingly mobile and financially empowered through digital currencies, governments are compelled to create policies that cater to a broader range of needs and lifestyles. This shift could lead to more democratic and responsive governance, where policies are tailored to attract and retain a global citizenry. In such a scenario, governments might focus on providing superior public services, political stability and a fair legal system to appeal to their transient populations.

The transition to a digital currency-based economy raises critical questions about fairness and equality. There is a potential risk that the benefits of cryptocurrencies might be disproportionately accessible to certain segments of the population, widening the gap between the digital haves and have-nots. However, over time, with appropriate regulatory frameworks and inclusive policies, digital currencies could foster a more equitable economic system. By ensuring broader access and education in digital finance, governments can work toward a more inclusive financial environment.

The path to adopting a new social contract grounded in digital currency is fraught with challenges. Governments must grapple with issues of volatility, cybersecurity, and the enforcement of taxation in a decentralized landscape. Additionally, international cooperation becomes crucial in regulating and managing a financial system that inherently defies borders. These challenges require innovative solutions and a commitment to collaborative governance.

As we move forward, it is imperative for policymakers, technologists,and citizens to engage in open dialogues, which is why I propose the following.

I propose a novel approach to taxation in the era of digital currencies, focusing on the on- and off-ramps of these assets. This method targets the points of interaction between cryptocurrencies and traditional financial systems, such as when digital currencies are converted to and from fiat currencies. The rationale behind this proposal is multifaceted.

Firstly, it acknowledges the growing prevalence of digital nomadism and the fading significance of physical borders in a financially decentralized world. By taxing these specific points of conversion, governments can more effectively monitor and regulate cryptocurrency transactions within their jurisdiction.

Secondly, this model encourages governments to adapt to the realities of a digital economy, fostering a competitive environment where policy effectiveness and economic stability become key to attracting and retaining citizens. Moreover, this approach could potentially simplify the complexities of taxing digital assets, making the tax system more transparent and manageable for both authorities and citizens.

Implementing such a system would require robust international cooperation and a rethinking of traditional tax laws, but it could pave the way for a more equitable and efficient financial future, where the social contract is renegotiated in harmony with our evolving digital world.



Douglas DeMaio

Douglas DeMaio, a well-known open source personality, is committed to helping others discover its benefits.