“Probably rat poison squared.”

Durwin Ho


Do you think crypto is bad for the world?

That’s not some weird crypto hater saying that.

That is the Oracle of Omaha, Warren Buffett, an investing god and a vocal critic of cryptocurrencies.

He is worth $133B.

So yea, people do listen to what he has to say.

To say that he hates cryptocurrencies and BTC is an understatement.

While he isn’t standing on the roof and screaming for us to boycott BTC, he has made his stance abundantly clear over the years.

“Cryptocurrencies basically have no value and they don’t produce anything. They don’t reproduce, they can’t mail you a check, they can’t do anything, and what you hope is that somebody else comes along and pays you more money for them later on, but then that person’s got the problem. In terms of value: zero.” — CNBC, February 2020

Famous last words.

Now BTC is way past its all time highs and sitting at nearly $1.4 trillion market cap.

Well, its 2024 and it seems like he inadvertently reaping a windfall from a crypto-friendly investment.

In 2023, Berkshire Hathaway, the conglomerate he chairs, saw a 93% gain from its investment in…



Durwin Ho

CEO of StartupX | Web3.0, Crypto, DeFi, NFT Enthusiast |HyperX Sustainability Hackcelerator | Startup Weekend Singapore.