Provisioning an AWS EC2 instance for Geth

Austin Thomas Griffith
2 min readNov 5, 2017


The first thing you need to do when you are ready to start writing smart contracts is to setup your network connection to Ethereum. This is usually as simple as installing and running Geth. For this exploration, I will spin up a default Ubuntu instance in AWS.

Next, we’ll SSH in and run any updates that are needed:

We’ll also might need to install some build tools:

Next, we install Geth:

Then, we fire up Geth on the testnet:

(Make sure port 8545 isn’t open in your security group, because this exposes an RPC interface.)

Geth will start to sync with the blockchain:

Finally, after a few hours of downloading the blockchain, your Geth client will start to sync blocks one at a time:

To learn how to attach to Geth, create accounts, and send Ethereum, continue to the Ethereum Network Interaction section.

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This writeup is an excerpt from Concurrence Provisioning.

To learn more about the Concurrence Oracle Network click here.

