Python Tutorial: Build A Blockchain In < 60 Lines of Code

Learn Bitcoin’s underlying data structure in 4 short steps

Michael Chrupcala
Published in
7 min readFeb 19, 2020


Photo by Max Duzij on Unsplash

Blockchain — The million-dollar buzzword. We’ve all heard the stories of overnight crypto riches. But will cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin (or blockchain, their underlying data structure) revolutionize the world? Or will they remain a fascinating experiment in open-source? Nobody can say for sure.

Either way, they’re a lot of fun to write!

What is a blockchain? Skip ahead if you’re already familiar, but basically, a blockchain is open-source software that is shared between thousands of computers. These computers all follow a set of rules to track money that’s been sent from accounts tied to the blockchain software.

Each “block” is a group of data that says, for example, “Alice paid Bob $100 on Monday, February 15th.” On the blockchain, I can send you money without using a bank!

For this project you’ll only need Python. Keep in mind, our blockchain will be a simplified, high-level introduction…we won’t build the full-blown Bitcoin blockchain. Instead we’ll create functions to add blocks, transactions, and encryption so that our data’s tamper-proof. Let’s dive in!

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Michael Chrupcala

I write about code, job-hunting, and cryptocurrencies. Sometimes I go outside.