Is Quopi Dead?

It was always inevitable — Or was it?

Greg Tritthart
Published in
4 min readNov 28, 2023


from ~ Pexels

In the last few years we’ve seen countless “protocols/platforms/dapps” you name it, we’ve seen it. The one thing 99% of them have had in common is that they were scams or rugs right from inception. Sure a lot of them make it look good, even appear legit.

Hell, I spent several months researching Novatech before deciding I had finally found a legitimate platform. I mean literally, I spent serious time looking into it and the founders as much as possible. I was tired of all the crap out there and was looking for something actually sustainable and real, and passive.

You know, not a click to compound 5 times a day with Drip or Furio or any of the other zillion to choose from. With those knowing as we compounded that in time the token of the dapp would be worthless.

I knew about Petion’s failed businesses in the past and their bankruptcy. To be honest that on its own made them more real to me and therefore Novatech more secure in actually being real.

I mean at face value, at the time, Novatech just starting their third year in business, and .65% — 3% or so per week in trading profits seemed feasible. I felt so strongly and confident that I actually shared it with family and IRL friends, it was the first I had done that with. Those who know me well know that I only shared it after a lot of thought, and with the heartfelt intention of helping people, I care greatly about making some extra money.

If somehow you haven’t heard anything about Novatech and are unfamiliar with what I’m talking about, It was supposedly a Pamm account and was in its fourth year running when it began to have issues.

First just seemingly minor.

They were working on fixing things they said…

Then a little more, a new payment processor here, and more, a bad week in trading there, and….. you get the idea. As of now, Novatech has been dead for several months. It may not actually be dead as the site is still there, but it might as well be since we haven’t heard a word from the owners, not one word.

You can probably imagine that I feel flat-out responsible for my family and friends' losses, it’s a horrible feeling. One that will never go away.

This brings me to Quopi…

Though I’ve been in Quopi for several months I have no idea who the owners are.

I am curious to know if the trades are real. They look real but after everything I’ve seen in this space, I put almost zero weight on appearance. I think just about anything can be faked.

They have a Stock trading side and a Crypto trading side. The Stock returns have been really good (1.5–2% per day), but the Crypto bot has really been killing it (3–4% per day).

If there actually are any trading bots as they claim.

So you might be wondering, well what? I said Quopi is dead?? Right??

Well, it’s not dead, but it might disappear tomorrow, or even as I’m writing this article. In fact, I’ve been blown away by the speed of withdrawals honestly, I mean literally seconds from when I submit a withdrawal request until it hits my wallet. I haven't seen anything else like that so far.

That’s really the point, I consider EVERYTHING in “defi” extremely high risk.

When I say only invest what you’re willing to lose, I mean it, it’s not just a lame disclaimer.

If you want to track what’s going on with Quopi, you can create a free account here, and follow along, you don’t have to invest in it.

If you have what you believe to be a truly legitimate real passive income opportunity please tell me about it in the comments. Please don’t share any links though.

If you want to receive updates on this and other opportunities I’m personally invested in then you can sign up to get my free newsletter by clicking here.

“If you don’t find a way to make money while you sleep, you will work until you die.”

Warren Buffett

FINAL NOTE: Nothing in this article is intended to constitute investment advice. Neither the author nor the publication takes any responsibility or liability for any investments, profits, or losses you may incur as a result of this information. Readers are encouraged to perform their own due diligence and research or consult a licensed financial advisor or broker before making any and all investment decisions. This content is intended for general informational and educational purposes only. Though the author strives for accuracy, the data contained within the article cannot be relied upon. The author may own cryptocurrencies and tokens discussed in the article. The article may contain affiliate links. DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH. I am not a financial advisor, I am not your financial advisor. I’m just a guy sharing my journey.



Greg Tritthart

Driven to empower individuals, debunk crypto myths & share health journeys. Inspiring with actionable insights and real-life stories!