Raptoreum’s SmartNodes

Protection, scalability and privacy in the RTM network

Cadena de Bloques
Published in
10 min readMay 30, 2023


A new generation of blockchain nodes that provide enhanced security and scalability, enabling sustainable network growth and the development of decentralized applications without compromising efficiency.

Raptoreum smartnode protecting the network

What are SmartNodes and how do they work?

Raptoreum’s SmartNodes soar as formidable protectors of the blockchain network, ensuring secure and reliable cryptocurrency transactions with unwavering vigilance.

SmartNodes are a pivotal feature of the Raptoreum network that helps maintain the security and integrity of the blockchain. In simple terms, SmartNodes are network nodes that require a minimum amount of Raptoreum (RTM) tokens as collateral to operate.

These special nodes serve as connection points in the network, validating and transmitting transactions among users. By holding a certain amount of RTM tokens in their account, SmartNode operators have an incentive to keep the network secure and reliable, while also reducing the circulating supply of coins, creating scarcity, and controlling inflation.

Setting up a SmartNode on the Raptoreum network is relatively straightforward and doesn’t require a significant amount of resources. Users need to download the node software and have 1.8 million RTM tokens locked under their control to start operating as a SmartNode.

Once the node is up and running, it performs essential tasks in the network, such as transaction validation, guarding against 51% double-spending attacks, preventing block overload with tasks they execute, and ensuring fast and efficient block processing.

Furthermore, SmartNodes offer rewards to their operators for maintaining network security and reliability. This includes a portion of the transaction fees generated by the network or even a reward generated with each creation of Assets and Smart Contracts.

SmartNodes are a crucial feature of the Raptoreum network that helps ensure the security and integrity of the blockchain. By requiring a certain amount of RTM tokens to operate, SmartNodes provide an incentive for users to contribute to the network’s maintenance and development. With their ability to validate transactions, prevent double-spending, and withstand 51% attacks, SmartNodes play a vital role in the Raptoreum ecosystem.

Having a SmartNode is complicated?

Having a Raptoreum SmartNode is no longer limited to just a select few. Perhaps a decade ago, only those with a background in computer science could operate a Bitcoin or other cryptocurrency node due to its complexity. However, thanks to technological advancements, setting up a SmartNode can now be accomplished in a matter of minutes.

Raptoreum’s SmartNodes offer an excellent opportunity for individuals interested in blockchain technology. These specialized nodes not only contribute to the network’s security and integrity but also provide a gateway to actively participate in the Raptoreum ecosystem.

Gone are the days when operating a node required extensive technical knowledge. Today, with user-friendly software and simplified setup procedures, anyone with a basic understanding of technology can join the SmartNode revolution.

By becoming a SmartNode operator, users can play a vital role in validating and transmitting transactions within the Raptoreum network. This active participation not only strengthens the overall security of the blockchain but also helps to maintain a reliable and efficient system for cryptocurrency transactions.

Moreover, the incentives offered to SmartNode operators make it an attractive proposition. By locking a minimum amount of Raptoreum tokens as collateral, operators not only contribute to the scarcity and control of inflation but also become eligible for rewards. These rewards can come in the form of a portion of transaction fees generated by the network or even through the creation of assets and smart contracts.

In summary, Raptoreum SmartNodes have opened the doors to wider participation in blockchain technology. With simplified setup processes, user-friendly interfaces, and enticing incentives, anyone can now embrace the world of SmartNodes. By joining the Raptoreum network, individuals can become an integral part of the blockchain revolution, supporting a secure and efficient ecosystem for decentralized transactions.

What are the requirements and how are they configured?

To run a SmartNode on the Raptoreum network, the following minimum requirements are needed:

  • A VPS server or dedicated computer with a stable and high-speed internet connection (Specifications and capabilities may vary based on network growth).
  • The amount of 1,800,000 RTM (Raptoreum) as collateral to secure the node.
  • A Core Wallet installed on an operating system (It doesn’t need to remain open afterward).
  • An RTM wallet address to receive rewards for block validation.

To set up a SmartNode, the following steps should be followed:

  1. Download the Raptoreum software and configure the configuration file with the node information and wallet address.
  2. Transfer the 1,800,000 RTM to the wallet address specified in the configuration file.
  3. Install and configure a VPS service or dedicated server to host the node.
  4. Start the node on the Raptoreum network and wait for it to synchronize with the blockchain.
  5. Verify that the node is online and functioning correctly.

Once the SmartNode is online and operating correctly, the node owner will receive a portion of the block validation rewards in fixed payments of 1,000 RTM at certain intervals specified by the network.

What rewards can be obtained from a SmartNode?

To truly grasp the extensive participation power of a SmartNode on the network, let’s consider the current mining difficulty. Presently, a mid-to-high-range CPU such as the Ryzen 5 5600G has a hashrate of approximately 889 h/s, yielding around 60 RTM per day. Therefore, having a Raptoreum SmartNode is akin to having 17 of these Ryzen 5 5600G CPUs mining for you daily, without the burden of electricity costs and the hardware’s wear and tear.

By operating a SmartNode, individuals can tap into the remarkable potential of passive income generation within the Raptoreum ecosystem. With minimal effort, SmartNode owners can enjoy consistent rewards while contributing to the network’s security and efficiency.

In addition to the economic benefits, SmartNodes offer a sustainable and environmentally friendly approach to cryptocurrency participation. Unlike traditional mining setups that require significant energy consumption, a SmartNode operates with minimal power requirements. This ensures a greener and more sustainable blockchain ecosystem, aligning with the growing demand for eco-conscious solutions.

Furthermore, the durability and longevity of a SmartNode surpass those of traditional mining hardware. By eliminating the need for continuous upgrades and replacements, SmartNode owners can enjoy sustained profitability without worrying about equipment obsolescence or financial losses due to technological advancements.

In summary, embracing a Raptoreum SmartNode presents an exceptional opportunity for individuals seeking active participation in the blockchain space. With its potential to outperform traditional mining setups, generate consistent rewards, and promote environmental sustainability, Raptoreum’s SmartNode is a compelling choice for those looking to leverage the power of blockchain technology for their financial future.

What are the differences with the nodes of other cryptos?

Raptoreum SmartNodes differ from other cryptocurrency nodes in several ways. First, the fact that they are “smart” means that they can run smart contracts and other advanced functions on the network, making them more versatile than other cryptocurrency nodes that only deal with validating transactions.

Furthermore, Raptoreum’s SmartNodes offer their owners the opportunity to earn additional passive rewards alongside transaction validation, providing them with added value and potentially higher long-term profitability.

Another significant difference is that Raptoreum’s SmartNodes are designed to be more accessible and easier to set up compared to other cryptocurrency nodes, allowing more people to participate in the network as SmartNode operators. Some of the most notable differences include:

Additional functionalities: Raptoreum’s SmartNodes have additional functionalities beyond those of conventional nodes. In addition to verifying transactions and securing the network, SmartNodes can create assets, NFTs, and smart contracts.

Higher rewards: Compared to other nodes, Raptoreum’s SmartNodes offer higher rewards to their operators, making them more appealing to those seeking a way to earn passive income on the network.

Equitable reward distribution: The distribution of rewards in Raptoreum’s SmartNodes is done fairly and proportionally based on the number of active nodes in the network, ensuring that all participants have the opportunity to receive fair rewards.

Focus on decentralization: Raptoreum prioritizes decentralization and community involvement, meaning that SmartNodes are designed to be accessible and easy to set up for all users, not just those with advanced technical knowledge.

In summary, the main differences between Raptoreum’s SmartNodes and other cryptocurrency nodes lie in their additional functionalities, higher rewards, equitable reward distribution, and focus on decentralization and community involvement. These factors make Raptoreum an excellent option for individuals looking to participate in a blockchain network that offers enhanced features, attractive rewards, and a commitment to decentralization.

What do SmartNodes bring to security and scalability?

SmartNodes in the Raptoreum network are like vigilant birds of prey, soaring high and keeping a watchful eye over the network to maintain its security and stability. With their presence, they provide an additional layer of security and transaction verification. Just like a bird of prey, they have sharp vision and can detect any threats in the network. Their role is crucial in ensuring that the network operates efficiently and without interruptions. Furthermore, by rewarding SmartNode operators, an incentive is created for the community to actively participate in the protection and strengthening of the network, thereby increasing long-term security and stability.

SmartNodes play a fundamental role in the security and stability of the Raptoreum network by helping to safeguard the network and ensure that transactions are processed efficiently and securely. As mentioned earlier, SmartNodes act as full nodes and store a copy of the entire blockchain, enabling them to validate transactions and ensure they adhere to the network’s rules and requirements.

Additionally, SmartNodes also help prevent double-spending attacks and other malicious activities on the network. Since the Raptoreum network utilizes a hybrid consensus algorithm that combines proof-of-work mining with proof-of-work with node participation, the existence of SmartNodes helps ensure that the network is not susceptible to attacks through malicious majority, as each SmartNode requires a collateral amount to operate.

Furthermore, SmartNodes contribute to network stability by reducing latency and improving overall network performance. With more nodes running and validating transactions, the risk of network congestion is reduced, and transaction processing capacity is enhanced.

In summary, SmartNodes are a vital part of the Raptoreum network infrastructure, and their contribution to the network’s security and stability is crucial in ensuring its efficient and secure operation.

How smartNodes can be implemented in dApps?

Raptoreum’s SmartNodes can be implemented in dApps built on the platform using smart contracts. These smart contracts can be written in common programming languages such as Java, Python, C++, and others. Being a decentralized and highly secure network, dApp developers can utilize SmartNodes as an additional layer of security and stability for their decentralized applications. SmartNodes act as validators and supporting nodes for the network, allowing developers to process transactions and execute smart contracts more efficiently and quickly than regular network nodes.

Developers can include the execution of SmartNodes as part of the logic of their smart contracts, enabling them to leverage the advantages of the Raptoreum network and enhance the security and stability of their dApps. Furthermore, since they are written in common programming languages like Java, Python, and C++, SmartNodes can be employed by the majority of developers familiar with these languages.

For example, if one wants to develop a dApp that requires a network of nodes to perform complex tasks and generate rewards, Raptoreum SmartNodes can be utilized for this purpose. Developers can create a smart contract on the platform that assigns tasks to the available SmartNodes in the network and rewards them accordingly. In this way, a decentralized application can be created that harnesses the advantages of Raptoreum’s SmartNode technology to achieve increased security, scalability, and network stability. Developers can leverage SmartNode functionality to create more robust and reliable applications, while users can participate in the network and receive rewards for their contributions.

In summary, Raptoreum’s SmartNode technology offers a great opportunity for dApp developers and users seeking enhanced security and scalability in the network, and who wish to actively participate in the cryptocurrency ecosystem.

What risks or challenges can SmartNodes face?

Like any emerging technology, Raptoreum SmartNodes may face various risks and challenges in the future, some of which can be addressed through appropriate preventive and corrective measures. Some of these risks and challenges are listed below:

Lack of adoption: The lack of adoption of SmartNodes by dApp developers and the cryptocurrency community can pose a challenge for the growth and expansion of the network. To address this issue, marketing and education efforts can be undertaken to create awareness about the advantages of SmartNodes and their potential to enhance the security and stability of dApps.

Competition from other cryptocurrencies: The competition from other cryptocurrencies and their nodes can be a challenge for the growth and expansion of Raptoreum’s network and its SmartNodes. To address this problem, innovative and unique solutions can be developed that differentiate Raptoreum’s network from other cryptocurrencies and nodes.

Technological changes: Blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies are relatively new and constantly evolving. Raptoreum developers will need to stay updated on technological advancements and ensure that SmartNodes are upgraded and improved accordingly to stay at the forefront of the industry.

Cost: The cost of running and maintaining SmartNodes could be a limiting factor for their adoption. It is important to find ways to make the use of SmartNodes affordable and sustainable.

Interoperability: In an increasingly interconnected cryptocurrency ecosystem, it will be important for SmartNodes to be interoperable with other networks and technologies.

Market changes: Fluctuations in the cryptocurrency market and trends in technology adoption could affect the success and adoption of Raptoreum’s SmartNodes. It will be important to stay aware of these trends and adapt to them.

Conclusion, an overview

Raptoreum’s SmartNodes represent a great opportunity for those interested in blockchain technology and decentralized applications. As a decentralized and secure network, SmartNodes can act as an additional layer of security and stability for dApps built on the Raptoreum platform. Furthermore, SmartNodes can process transactions and execute smart contracts more efficiently and quickly than regular nodes in the network.

Raptoreum’s SmartNodes technology offers a competitive advantage by being compatible with common programming languages such as Java, Python, and C++. This allows developers to create decentralized applications without having to learn new programming languages, which accelerates the development process.

However, like with any emerging technology, there are challenges and risks that need to be taken into account. It will depend on the developer community’s ability to address them in the best way possible. The good thing is that being an open-source project, any progress achieved in such an ambitious development project benefits all of humanity and future generations.

Despite these challenges, Raptoreum’s vision is to create a decentralized and secure platform that enables developers to create more robust and reliable applications. Its developers must commit to continuously improving and updating their SmartNodes technology, as well as strengthening their user community.

If you’re interested in blockchain technology and being part of an innovative community, Raptoreum offers a unique opportunity to join a network of passionate users and developers. Being part of this community means being part of a revolutionary technology that can have a significant impact on how decentralized applications are built and utilized. Seize the opportunity to be part of the future of blockchain technology with Raptoreum and its SmartNodes technology.

If you are interested in learning more about the Raptoreum blockchain, you can visit their website at raptoreum.com.

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Cadena de Bloques

My priorities are God and family. I'm a liberal and don't like states. As a lawyer, I'm passionate about blockchain technology.