RareSkills Solidity Interview Question #39 Answered: What is a commit-reveal scheme and when would you use it?

Faybian Byrd
3 min readJun 18, 2024


This series will provide answers to the list of Solidity interview questions that were published by RareSkills..

Question #39 (Medium): What is a commit-reveal scheme and when would you use it?

Answer: A commit-reveal scheme is one where a user commits a commitment hash to a system and later reveals the original values used to generate the hash (such as the data, nonce, and/or secret) so that the system can recompute the commitment hash. If the recomputed hash matches the committed hash, then the user successfully completes the reveal step. This mechanism would be used to mitigate against frontrunning because it it effectively conceals sensitive data from those monitoring the mempool.


// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.8.26;

contract CommitReveal {
// Define a struct to hold each user's commitment details
struct Commitment {
// The hash of the data, nonce, and secret
bytes32 commitmentHash;
// Flag to indicate if the commitment has been revealed
bool revealed;

// Mapping to store commitments for each user
mapping(address => Commitment) public commitments;

// Event to log commitment
event Commit(address indexed user, bytes32 commitmentHash);
// Event to log reveal
event Reveal(
address indexed user,
bytes32 data,
bytes32 nonce,
bytes32 secret

// Function to commit a hashed value
function commit(bytes32 _commitmentHash) public {
// Ensure the user has not already committed
commitments[msg.sender].commitmentHash == 0,
"Already committed"

commitments[msg.sender] = Commitment({
commitmentHash: _commitmentHash,
revealed: false

emit Commit(msg.sender, _commitmentHash);

// Function to reveal the original value, nonce, and secret
function reveal(bytes32 _data, bytes32 _nonce, bytes32 _secret) public {
// Retrieve the user's commitment from storage
Commitment storage userCommitment = commitments[msg.sender];

// Ensure a commitment exists for the user
require(userCommitment.commitmentHash != 0, "No commitment found");
// Ensure the commitment has not already been revealed
require(!userCommitment.revealed, "Already revealed");

// Recompute the hash using the original data, nonce, and secret
bytes32 computedHash = keccak256(
abi.encodePacked(_data, _nonce, _secret)

// Verify that the recomputed hash matches the stored commitment hash
computedHash == userCommitment.commitmentHash,
"Invalid reveal"

// Mark the commitment as revealed
userCommitment.revealed = true;

emit Reveal(msg.sender, _data, _nonce, _secret);

Further Discussion:

Some additional use cases of commit-reveal schemes include:

  1. Secure Voting Systems: In voting systems, commit-reveal schemes ensure that votes are kept confidential during the voting period and only revealed afterward. This prevents vote manipulation and coercion.
  2. Auctions: In sealed-bid auctions, bidders commit to their bid values without revealing them. After the bidding period, they reveal their bids to determine the winner.
  3. Blockchain-Based Lotteries: In blockchain lotteries, commit-reveal can be used to submit and reveal lottery tickets securely.



Faybian Byrd

Senior Software Engineer, Full Stack/Frontend @Synapse Labs | Graduate - Advanced Solidity Bootcamp @ RareSkills. | Certified Solidity Developer (CSD)