Recap from Consensus 2022: Web3 Continues to Thrive Despite Crypto Winter

Matters Lab
Published in
2 min readJun 17, 2022


The Space powered by Matters Lab showcases at Consensus 2022

Despite the crypto winter, the annual conference Consensus this year came back to real-person form, drew in 17,000 people to discuss the crypto landscape, Web3 development and the future of digital assets. The crypto fest took place June 9–12 in Austin, Texas. Matters Lab team is astonished to see Austin’s cryptocurrency community thriving, as it has become a hot spot for a number of Web3 projects.

Matters Lab, being the popular Web3 social media ecosystem with 100, 000 content creators, was honored to attend the festival with our latest project: The Space. We introduced the concept of Partial Common Ownership and Radical economics applied in the Pixel NFT co-creation game. The Space will further enhance Matters Lab in its future explorations in attention economy on how to build a fairer social graph.

Despite the crypto winter, more attendees remained optimistic about the crypto ecosystem and new projects and the rise of Web3 caught the attention of the conference, more VCs are investing in Web3 infrastructure.

“It’s amazing to see how much Web3 has grown in the past 5 years. It started from a niche and geek topic, to an industry attracting talents from all walks of life even in such bear market.” Guo, CTO of Matters said.

Regarding the creator economy, NFTs are containers of ownership, and most projects are experimenting with what they can stuff into the container. Projects like Traveloggers and The Space are important because they experiment with the container itself.

We firmly believe Web3 is a chance to bring censorship resilience and a better content economy. Moreover, the potential of the economic model behind The Space intrigued many professionals. With hundreds of visitors at our booth, we were delighted to share the Fairdrop Claim stickers that welcomed new players with $SPACE.

Consensus 2022 managed to concentrate great energy offline. It gives a chance to gather our good friends Tea Project Blog, Radical x Change and Crust Network altogether. It is also a pleasure to foster potential future partnership with CoinDesk, Cointelegraph, BlockBeats, Huobi Global, Binance Lab, Babel Asia and Adventures Lab.

Finally, Consensus by CoinDesk is a fantastic place where all Web3 ideas are shared and exchanged. We dream big that Web3 Matters.



Matters Lab

Matters Lab was established in 2018, with the mission to create a freer and fairer creator ecosystem through the next evolution of the Internet, Web3.