Render crypto: Crypto’s best-kept secret

Stephen McBride
6 min readJun 5, 2024


Render crypto

It vaulted Steve Jobs into the billionaire club.

Steve Jobs was one of the greatest inventors ever. Apple’s co-founder created the iPod… iPad… and iPhone. Not to mention the first “easy-to-use” computer, the Macintosh.

But did you know Jobs made his first billion off a kids movie?

Apple’s co-founder was the majority owner of Pixar, the animation studio behind hit movies Monsters, Inc.… Finding Nemo… and Toy Story, its debut film which ushered in a new era of filmmaking.

Toy Story was the first fully computer-generated movie. No live shots or movie sets. Every scene was created by computer software.

The movie raked in $360 million at the box office, putting Pixar on the map. In fact, it IPO’d on the stock market just 10 days after Toy Story hit the big screen. Steve Jobs owned 80% of Pixar shares… and the IPO made him a billionaire.

Pixar invented the art of using computers to create “lifelike” animated images and film.

Today rendering is a $7 billion industry.

Rendering is involved in the making of almost every blockbuster film and TV series. It’s the foundation of the $140 billion videogame industry. And architects use 3D rendering software to design new buildings and homes.

Render crypto is set to transform this $7 billion market.

Render already counts Microsoft… Google… Disney… Netflix… and HBO as paying customers. Its business surged 10X in the past year and it just raised money from some of the world’s smartest crypto investors.

My Render price prediction is RNDR will reach $28 by 2026. It’s now trading at $10. So there’s plenty of upside left.

Manifesting the metaverse

Big movie studios like Disney spend billions of dollars building their own giant render farms.

But that’s not feasible for companies and individuals who just want to produce a short film or a few images. They usually rent rendering space on the internet from the likes of Google and Amazon.

These firms have data centers full of special computer chips called graphics processing units (GPUs) anyone can tap into. In short, GPUs render everything from blockbuster movies to the latest video games.

Problem is… internet rendering services are terrible. You can expect to pay a few thousand bucks to produce a couple minutes’ worth of film. And you often must wait in a days-long queue first.

There are only so many GPUs available to rent. And a few large jobs can soak up every ounce of processing power from those GPUs. That’s a real issue… because the world’s rendering needs are about to go parabolic.

The metaverse is the next version of the internet. A virtual world where you can work… learn… shop… attend concerts… hang out with friends… and do dozens of other real-life activities.

We’ll need billions of new GPUs to render this immersive, 3D, “always on” universe. Thousands of times more than what’s available right now.

Today’s internet isn’t built to handle a world that works more like a high-end video game than a static Amazon webpage. We already got a glimpse of this.

When hip-hop artist Travis Scott’s performed a live concert in the hit game Fortnite, 12 million people watched it. But they didn’t all watch it together. Due to network constraints, Fortnite capped each showing at 100 people. It then ran 100,000+ separate showings of the concert.

Rendering trillions of digital objects in the metaverse will require so much computing power it will make your head spin.

Luckily render crypto invented the perfect solution for this problem.

“Uber” for rendering

Graphics chips (GPUs) aren’t confined to giant data centers.

Crack open any smartphone… iPad… laptop… or PC and you’ll find a powerful GPU inside.

And here’s the thing… the majority of these graphics chips lie idle most of the time. We’re not using GPUs when we’re sleeping, commuting, or out for a jog. This represents a massive pool of untapped rendering power.

If just 1% of these chips were available to rent it would boost rendering capacity by 54X. Nobody figured out how to tap into this vast pool of GPUs… until now.

Render Network (RNDR) was created by Los Angeles-based OTOY which dominates the rendering software market. Roughly 85% of new creators use OTOY’s Octane software.

A few years back OTOY’s founder Jules Urbach had an idea to create a network that could tap into the millions of idle GPUs. That’s exactly what Render achieves. It connects creators who need work rendered with folks looking to make a few bucks from their GPUs.

Creators love Render. It gives them access to computing power previously reserved for giant Hollywood studios. And at a fraction of the cost, as I’ll show you in a moment.

It’s also great for folks who sign up to rent their idle GPUs. When your chip is used to render work, you get paid in Render’s crypto token (RNDR). Folks can then sell RNDR for real US dollars.

The network essentially allows anyone with a modern computer to earn some extra cash when it’s not being used.

It’s like “Uber” for rending. Most of us have cars. But research shows our cars sit idle for almost 23 hours a day, on average. Uber puts all this spare capacity to work connecting drivers with riders.

The app allowed anyone to become a taxi driver and make money chauffeuring folks around. On the flip side, users could ditch their cars and hail an Uber when they wanted to go somewhere.

Render is taking the same approach to transform graphics processing. And it’s on a path to building a rendering empire.

The best customer list of any crypto project I’ve dug into — here’s what users are saying…

Not many folks know about Render. Even several crypto insiders I chatted with hadn’t heard about the project until recently.

But get this… founder Jules Urbach has been working on this idea for over a decade. He filed a patent for a crypto-based rendering service in 2009. Bitcoin was barely six months old at the time.

Render launched in April 2020 and now has tens of thousands of active users. It already counts many of the world’s largest firms as paying customers. Disney… Netflix… HBO… Microsoft… Google… Apple… Amazon… Nike… and Tesla all tap into its network of GPUs.

Ever see the intro to HBO’s Westworld? It was produced in Render.

Source: HBO

Ditto for scenes from Netflix hit The Crown… Marvel’s Captain Marvel… and Amazon’s Jack Ryan.

Render has the best customer list of any crypto project I’ve researched. And its service is already world-class. Its own figures show it slashes the cost and time it takes to render jobs by 70–90%.

I wanted to double check these numbers, so I scoured some Discord channels to find out what real users are saying. Here’s what I found.

“It’s usually anywhere from ½ to 1/10th the price of other render farms.”

“I rendered a pretty big project last night on RNDR in 35 minutes. It would have taken 12–13 days to render on my [computer].”

“Just rendered a 2,300-frame project in about a half hour for $700 on RNDR. I got a quote from another cloud service that I use for six hours and cost $8,400. RNDR was less than 1/10th the cost and about 12X faster.”

Remember, there’s a major shortage of rendering capacity today. That means creators compete for every ounce of processing power… which pushes up prices.

Render unlocks the ocean of idle GPUs that were previously off-limits. With millions of new graphics chips available to rent, it makes rendering a lot cheaper and faster. It’s no surprise its business is booming.

In fact, Google even shut its own cloud rendering division and adopted Render. Google’s head of product management said, “RNDR is a game changer for ultra-high-resolution production… machine learning rendering workflows and next generation immersive media.”

How does Render make money

Render is using incentives to build a graphics processing empire. Folks who rent their GPUs earn RNDR tokens in return.

This way everyone involved wins.

Creators can render projects cheaper and faster than ever before. Folks with spare GPUs earn some extra cash. Render Network sits in the middle, taking a small 0.5–5% cut on each job. Users collect the other 95%+.

Render is one of the best Web3 businesses in action today.

Action to take: Buy RNDR.

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Stephen McBride

Chief Analyst at I help investors profit from disruption.