Research Review: Dark Side of Decentralized Finance: A Call for Enhanced AML Regulation Based on Use Cases of Illicit Activities

Ervin Zubic
3 min readJan 3, 2024


Dive into our insightful review of the 2023 study on DeFi’s susceptibility to money laundering, and discover the urgent necessity for stronger anti-money laundering regulations in the realm of decentralized finance.

Pencil sketch of diverse government officials examining DeFi under a magnifying glass, with space for a logo in the lower left corner.
What to do. Image created using DALL-E.

Date of Publication: December 11, 2023


In the contemporary financial technology landscape, the emergence of Decentralized Finance (DeFi) marks a pivotal shift. This paper, authored by Vladlena Benson, Umut Turksen, and Bogdan Adamyk, delves into the pressing issue of anti-money laundering (AML) regulation within DeFi, proposing enhanced measures to curb illicit activities. Published at the end of 2023, it examines the challenges and potential solutions in regulating this burgeoning sector.

Summary of the Research Article

The paper primarily addresses the regulatory blind spots in DeFi exploited by criminals, emphasizing the need for robust AML strategies. It begins by outlining the evolution of DeFi, its benefits such as financial inclusion, and inherent risks like anonymity and lack of intermediaries. The authors highlight the role of smart contracts, decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs), and the global reach of DeFi, complicating regulatory efforts.

Multiple case studies illustrate how criminals manipulate DeFi platforms for money laundering and illicit activities. These include creating fake initial decentralized exchange offerings (IDOs) and exploiting cross-chain bridges to obscure illicit financial flows. The paper critically analyzes the effectiveness of current AML regulations, noting significant loopholes and challenges in applying them to DeFi’s decentralized, global nature.

Critical Analysis

The paper’s strength lies in its detailed exposition of DeFi’s vulnerabilities to criminal exploitation, mainly how its decentralized and anonymous nature facilitates money laundering. The case studies provided are insightful, offering practical scenarios of how DeFi can be misused.

However, the study’s focus on EU and global perspectives might limit its applicability in regions with differing regulatory landscapes. Additionally, while the paper proposes regulatory reforms, the feasibility of these recommendations in the rapidly evolving DeFi space remains to be determined. The balance between innovation and regulation in DeFi is delicate, and the paper could have explored this aspect more deeply.

Implications and Potential

This research is timely and significant, given the explosive growth of DeFi and its potential impact on global financial systems. It underscores the urgent need for enhanced regulatory frameworks to prevent money laundering and protect consumers. The study’s recommendations, if implemented, could lead to more secure and transparent DeFi platforms, fostering trust and stability in the sector.

The paper also opens avenues for future research, especially in exploring the balance between regulation and innovation in DeFi and developing more adaptable, real-time regulatory technologies.


“Dark Side of Decentralised Finance” is a compelling and informative piece highlighting the urgent need for enhanced AML regulation in the DeFi sector. It skillfully outlines the risks, presents real-world misuse cases, and proposes practical regulatory responses. This paper is a must-read for policymakers, researchers, and anyone interested in the intersection of finance, technology, and law. It encourages a proactive approach to ensure the safe evolution of DeFi, balancing innovation with necessary regulation.

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Ervin Zubic

Exploring cyber threat intelligence with a focus on FinCrime & blockchain forensics. Check out my work on GitHub and Connect on Twitter for updates.