KulaDao: Revolutionizing Economies Through Blockchain and Real-World Assets

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4 min readJun 25, 2024


Kula, a pioneering company, is at the forefront of a revolution that is transforming the way economies are developed and empowered. By leveraging blockchain technology, social impact initiatives, and the tokenization of real-world assets (RWAs), Kula is redefining the future of finance and generating shared wealth across communities.

Empowering Communities, One Project at a Time

Kula’s mission is to create a better world, one community at a time. This ethos is exemplified by the recent activities of Micah Yeackley, a member of the Kula team, who is currently in Nepal. Yeackley has made four visits to Nepal in recent weeks, meeting with government officials and community leaders to explore potential regional projects for Kula’s ecosystem.

This unwavering commitment to building meaningful partnerships and driving positive change in local communities is a hallmark of Kula’s approach.

The Rise of Real-World Assets

The growing interest in real-world assets is evident from the significant spike in Google Trends search traffic for the term "real-world assets."

This surge in interest reflects the excitement and potential that RWAs hold for the future of finance and investment. Kula is at the forefront of this movement, offering a unique opportunity for investors to diversify their portfolios and spread risk by accessing a wide range of real-world assets.

Tokenizing the Real World

Tokenized Real-World Assets (RWAs) are bringing liquidity and excitement to the decentralized finance (DeFi) space. With a predicted market size of $16 trillion by 2030, RWAs are poised for exponential growth. [3] Kula’s platform provides investors with the ability to access a diverse portfolio of partnerships, including limestones, gold, emeralds, timber, water, agriculture, and heritage sites, all tokenized and available through a single investment channel.

Diversifying the RWA Landscape

Kula is witnessing an uptick in real-world asset indexes, which allow investors to gain exposure to multiple assets through a single investment. This trend aligns with Kula’s approach, which offers a diverse range of tokenized real-world assets, enabling investors to diversify their portfolios and mitigate risk.

Kula’s Unique Approach

Kula’s approach combines the best of Web2 and Web3 practices, creating an ultimate governance model that ensures all stakeholders have a voice. By tokenizing multiple assets, including water, historical landmarks, and minerals, Kula is positioning itself as a leader in the RWA space.

Recent Developments and Partnerships

Kula’s co-founder, Samuel Chen, recently spoke at the #Web3100 event in Hong Kong, discussing the company’s approach to decentralized autonomous organizations and tokenization. Additionally, Kula announced a partnership with a Malaysian timber project, with more announcements from countries like Nepal expected in the near future.

Transforming Zambia: A Case Study

Kula’s impact is already being felt in Zambia, where the company is working with Bekazulu Mining Limited to utilize blockchain technology and build shared value for project stakeholders. In September 2023, Kula hosted a workshop in Lusaka, Zambia, in collaboration with the Ministry of Science and Technology, to explore how the Kula model can be applied across various sectors, including mining, energy, logistics, and communications.

The workshop was attended by 21 officials and leaders from several Zambian government departments, the banking sector, and the transport and ICT industries. Under the leadership of Honourable Minister Felix Mutati for Science and Technology, the workshop participants explored the potential of Kula’s blockchain-based technology platform to drive transparency, accountability, and shared governance.

Chris Turner, a co-founder of Kula, highlighted the significance of this workshop, stating, "Outcomes from this workshop are potentially a watershed opportunity for countries like Zambia to reclaim control over their natural resources and other assets with a solution that ensures data, finance, and records are no longer opaque. Significant contributions to the bottom line of the national GDP are made possible with tech-based solutions that ensure transparent data with shared governance."

Minister Mutati echoed these sentiments, recognizing Kula’s disruptive approach and the potential it holds for Zambia. He stated, "Kula is disruptive in identifying and exploiting investment opportunities.

As the government, we are receptive to disruptive initiatives such as the blockchain solution of Kula and the technology it brings to change the lives of our people. The Kula way is disruptive because it allows stakeholders to have their voices heard and invest in global businesses."

As a result of this workshop, Kula is already developing three contracted projects in Zambia, focusing on the mining, water, and agricultural sectors. Furthermore, the company will also develop several new pilot projects in partnership with the Zambian Ministry of Science and Technology.

Redefining the Future of Finance

Kula's innovative approach to leveraging blockchain technology, social impact initiatives, and the tokenization of real-world assets is redefining the future of finance. By empowering local communities, generating shared wealth, and providing investors with diverse investment opportunities, Kula is leading the charge in creating a better world, one community at a time.




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