Self-proclaimed Bitcoin creator Craig S. Wright won the legal case for £1



Photo by Nubelson Fernandes on Unsplash

Self-proclaimed Bitcoin creator Craig S. Wright won the legal case for £1. Now, a former Bitcoin user and now self-proclaimed Bitcoin creator, Craig S. Wright, has been awarded a legal claim against Peter McMcormack in damages. Wright brought the case against the Peter McMcormack accused Wright of fraud and a moron. Today, the court ruled in Wright’s favor. The case eventually concluded below:

The judge said that Wright had pushed “a deliberately false case” with “deliberately false evidence” and would therefore only receive a nominal £1 sum.

What is the legal background to Craig Wright, self-proclaimed Bitcoin creator?

On 26 February 2017, Craig Wright, an Australian computer scientist, and businessman. He has been self-proclaimed Satoshi Nakamoto since 2015.

The Dave Kleiman Case

In February 2018, the estate of Dave Kleiman initiated a lawsuit against Wright in Florida and accused Wright defrauded Kleiman, a business partner, of Bitcoin intellectual property rights and with damages of $5.2B compensation. The case eventually concluded that Wright would pay Dave Kleiman Estate 100M, and he would grant the title of “Satoshi Nakamoto”.

