Smart Contract Security: Block Timestamp Manipulation

5 min readDec 10, 2023


Illustration by Amir Zand on Arstation

Bonjour à tous!

In the second post of the Smart Contract Security series, I will explain to you the vulnerability caused by the incorrect use of block timestamp attack with code samples and case studies. So, let’s dive in.

Smart contracts have revolutionized the way transactions are conducted in various industries. These self-executing contracts, built on blockchain technology, ensure transparency, efficiency, and security. However, like any technology, smart contracts are not immune to vulnerabilities and attacks. One such threat that often goes unnoticed is block timestamp manipulation.

In the blockchain, each block carries a timestamp that represents the time at which the block was mined. This timestamp is crucial for the proper functioning of smart contracts, as it determines the order and execution of transactions. Block timestamp manipulation refers to the act of altering the timestamp of a block to gain an advantage or exploit vulnerabilities in smart contracts.

Understanding The Importance of Block Timestamps

To comprehend the impact of block timestamp manipulation on smart contract security, it is essential to understand the significance of block timestamps. Block timestamps serve as a reference point for the execution of smart contract functions, ensuring that they are executed in a particular sequence. This sequencing is crucial when dealing with time-sensitive operations, such as financial transactions or event triggering.

By manipulating block timestamps, malicious actors can disrupt the intended flow of smart contracts. They can delay or accelerate the execution of certain functions, leading to undesired outcomes. For example, an attacker can manipulate the timestamp to execute a function before it should be triggered, potentially causing financial loss or compromising the integrity of the contract.

Attack Vectors

Block timestamp manipulation can exploit various vulnerabilities in smart contracts. Let’s delve into some common vulnerabilities and attacks associated with this threat:

1. Timestamp Dependence Vulnerability

Smart contracts often rely on block timestamps to execute certain functions at specific times. This timestamp dependence can be exploited if the contract does not have proper checks and balances in place. Attackers can manipulate the timestamp to trick the contract into executing a function prematurely or delaying its execution, leading to unexpected results.

2. Timestamp Manipulation Attacks

Attackers can manipulate block timestamps to their advantage, enabling them to exploit timing-related vulnerabilities in smart contracts. For example, by altering the timestamp, an attacker can execute a function multiple times within a short period, bypassing restrictions or draining resources.

Let’s create a basic game with potential vulnerabilities for miner exploitation.

It’s basically a lottery game where one transaction per block can bet 4 ether for a chance to win the balance of the contract.

What should happen is that the block.timestamp is evenly distributed over the last two digits, resulting in a 1/3 chance of winning the lottery.

To win all the Ether, Alice can manipulate the contract. To do this, she can do the following:

  • Call the spin function and send 4 Ether to enter the game
  • Submit block.timestamp divisible by 3 for the next block

3. Front-Running Attacks

Front-running refers to the act of intercepting and executing a transaction before it is added to a block. Attackers can manipulate block timestamps to front-run transactions and gain an unfair advantage. This can be particularly damaging in financial transactions, where timing is critical.

Case Studies

The risks associated with block timestamp manipulation are not merely theoretical. Several real-world examples demonstrate the severe consequences of this vulnerability.

1. The DAO Hack

In 2016, the Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO), a prominent Ethereum-based smart contract, fell victim to a block timestamp manipulation attack. The attacker exploited a vulnerability in the contract’s code to drain millions of dollars’ worth of cryptocurrency. By manipulating the block timestamps, the attacker was able to re-enter the contract and execute malicious functions multiple times.

2. The King of the Ether Throne

The King of the Ether Throne was a popular Ethereum-based game that allowed players to claim ownership of the throne by paying a certain amount of Ether. However, the game’s smart contract was vulnerable to block timestamp manipulation. Attackers exploited this vulnerability to claim ownership of the throne multiple times, draining a significant amount of Ether from the game’s treasury.

These examples highlight the real-world implications of block timestamp manipulation and the need for robust security measures in smart contract development.

Preventative Techniques

To mitigate the risks associated with block timestamp manipulation, developers and auditors must follow best practices. Here are some key recommendations:

1. Do not use block.timestamp

it is recommended to use block.number instead of block.timestamp. By using block.number, the block.number is utilized instead of the timestamp, making it more challenging for attackers to manipulate the timestamp. Manipulating the timestamp would require manipulating the block number as well, adding an extra layer of security.

If you want to use block.timestamp, make sure you follow the 15 second rule.

15 Second Rule

This rule is that the timestamp between two blocks within 15 seconds should not be more than 15 seconds. If the difference is phase, it should be rejected.

2. Implement time-related checks and constraints

Smart contracts should include robust checks and constraints to prevent unauthorized timestamp manipulation.

Developers can implement time-related checks, such as requiring a minimum time difference between transactions or limiting the number of executions within a specified timeframe. These constraints can help protect against attacks that exploit timing vulnerabilities.

3. Use multiple sources for timestamp verification

Relying on a single source for block timestamps can make smart contracts vulnerable to manipulation. It is advisable to use multiple trusted sources, such as reputable block explorers or oracle services, to verify block timestamps. By cross-checking timestamps from different sources, developers can ensure the integrity of the data and reduce the risk of manipulation.


Block timestamp manipulation poses a hidden threat to the security of smart contracts. It can lead to financial loss, compromise contract integrity, and damage the reputation of blockchain-based systems. To mitigate the risks associated with block timestamp manipulation, developers and auditors must adopt proactive security measures.

See you soon, take care 🍊


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Cyber Security Engineer @ BtcTurk 🚀 | #RustSecurity | #BlockchainSecurity | Lotr & Foundation Lover | Enthusiast the Decentralized Web 🌐 | TR: ahmets.eth