Solana DAO Governance (Part 1): understanding SPL Governance Workflow

sec3 (formerly Soteria)


Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs) management is a complex topic. The SPL Governance Program (source code) provides core building blocks for managing DAOs on Solana blockchain. In this article series, we will elaborate its implementation details and technical subtleties.

The Governance program address: GovER5Lthms3bLBqWub97yVrMmEogzX7xNjdXpPPCVZw

(note: there is also Mango Governance program: GqTPL6qRf5aUuqscLh8Rg2HTxPUXfhhAXDptTLhp1t2J

NFT voter program: GnftV5kLjd67tvHpNGyodwWveEKivz3ZWvvE3Z4xi2iw)

At a high level, what’s the workflow of DAO governance?

  1. Create a DAO: CreateRealm

First, create a DAO with a name and a configuration:

The configuration RealmConfigArgs specifies the following information:

In particular, use_council_mint means using Council Mint as well (in addition to Community Token Mint) as the governing tokens.

The created DAO account realm_info has an authority realm_authority with privileges…

