Solana Meme Token Architecture Design & Break Down of each part.

Crypto Beast
Published in
4 min readFeb 13, 2024


I’ll elucidate the architectural planning of my Solana meme coin. If you encounter any challenges related to Solana tokens, feel free to comment, and I’ll do my best to assist you.

Break down each part of the smart contract in simpler terms:

  1. Ares Token Structure:
  • Purpose: Defines the structure of the Ares token.
  • Explanation:
  • AresToken is like a blueprint that describes how data related to the Ares token should be organized.
  • It includes information such as whether the token is initialized, the total supply, the amount available for use (unlocked supply), the amount reserved for special purposes (locked supply), and the token’s symbol (ARES).
  • The AresToken structure helps keep track of the state and properties of the Ares token.

2. Liquidity Pool Structure:

  • Purpose: Defines the structure of the liquidity pool.
  • Explanation:
  • LiquidityPool is another blueprint that describes how data related to the liquidity pool should be organized.
  • It includes information such as whether the pool is initialized, the total reserve (amount of tokens available for trading), and the timestamp of the last burn event.
  • The liquidity pool is a fund of tokens used for transactions, and the structure helps manage its state.

3. King Whale Structure:

  • Purpose: Defines the structure to track the King Whale (user with the largest token purchase).
  • Explanation:
  • KingWhale is a structure that keeps track of the King Whale, the user who has made the largest token purchase in a single transaction.
  • It includes the King Whale’s account address and the size of their largest purchase.
  • This structure helps identify and reward the user with the largest token holdings.

4. Blacklist Structure:

  • Purpose: Defines the structure to manage blacklisted accounts.
  • Explanation:
  • Blacklist is a structure that helps keep a list of blacklisted accounts, which are restricted from performing certain actions.
  • It includes information about whether the blacklist is initialized and a list of blacklisted account addresses.
  • This structure aids in preventing specific accounts from engaging in certain activities.

5. Wallets Structure:

  • Purpose: Defines the structure for marketing and staff wallets.
  • Explanation:
  • Wallets is a structure that holds the addresses of marketing and staff wallets.
  • It includes information about whether the wallets are initialized and the addresses of the marketing and staff wallets.
  • This structure helps manage funds allocated for marketing and staff-related activities.

6. Initialize Function:

  • Purpose: Sets up the initial state of the smart contract.
  • Explanation:
  • The initialize function is called at the beginning of the contract execution to set up initial conditions.
  • It can include tasks like initializing accounts, setting default values, and preparing the smart contract for execution.
  • This function is a starting point for the smart contract’s logic.

7. Process Instruction Function:

  • Purpose: Executes the main logic of the smart contract based on received instructions.
  • Explanation:
  • The process_instruction function is the core of the smart contract and is executed when the contract receives instructions.
  • It handles various operations, such as initializing the Ares token, managing the liquidity pool, identifying the King Whale, transferring tokens, and applying taxes.
  • This function is where the smart contract’s functionality is defined.

8. Entry Point and Initialization:

  • Purpose: Entry point for the Solana program, including the initialization logic.
  • Explanation:
  • The entrypoint! macro defines the entry point for the Solana program, and the process_instruction function is where the main logic resides.
  • The initialize function is a custom initialization function called at the beginning to set up the initial state of the smart contract.

9. Deployment Steps:

  • Purpose: Deploying the smart contract to the Solana testnet.
  • Explanation:
  • Deploying involves compiling the smart contract code (cargo build-bpf), creating a Solana wallet, obtaining testnet SOL, and using the Solana CLI to deploy the compiled smart contract to the testnet.
  • Once deployed, the smart contract can be tested and interacted with using the Solana CLI or custom clients.

Understanding each part in simpler terms helps to grasp the overall structure and functionality of the smart contract. It’s like building blocks that work together to define how the Solana meme token and associated features behave on the Solana blockchain.

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Crypto Beast

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