Staking on the Ton Network : Be Early, Earn Free Crypto

6 min readJun 17, 2024


The TON (Telegram Open Network) is a decentralized blockchain platform designed to facilitate fast and secure transactions. Originally conceived by Telegram, TON aims to combine the speed of traditional payment systems with the security and decentralization of blockchain technology. Key features include its native cryptocurrency, TON Crystal (TON), used for transaction fees and network operations.

Staking TON involves participants locking up their tokens in the network to support its operations and earn rewards. Stakers contribute to network security and governance by validating transactions and maintaining the blockchain. Rewards are distributed based on the amount of TON staked and the duration of participation. Staking TON not only provides passive income but also strengthens the network’s resilience and decentralization.

Ton Network Overview

The Ton Network, also known as The Open Network, is a highly scalable and decentralized layer-1 blockchain network. Initially developed by Telegram, it was designed to address the limitations of existing blockchain networks, particularly in terms of scalability, speed, and usability. After Telegram ceased its involvement due to regulatory issues, the network was taken over by the open-source community, which continues its development and maintenance.

Key Features:

Multi-Chain Architecture:

  • Masterchain: The primary blockchain that manages the network and stores critical information about the protocol and network state.
  • Workchains: Multiple chains that operate independently and handle specific tasks or types of transactions. Each workchain can have its own rules and be optimized for different purposes.
  • Sharding: Each workchain can be divided into smaller shards to parallelize transaction processing, significantly enhancing scalability.

High Throughput:

  • The network’s design allows it to process millions of transactions per second (TPS), making it suitable for large-scale applications and services.

Robust Security:

  • Byzantine Fault Tolerant (BFT) Consensus: A consensus mechanism that ensures network security and reliability even in the presence of malicious actors.
  • Proof-of-Stake (PoS): Validators are chosen based on the amount of $TON they stake, aligning their incentives with the network’s security and performance.


  • Ton Network aims to connect with other blockchain networks and traditional financial systems, promoting seamless asset transfers and interactions across different platforms.

Decentralized Services:

  • Ton Storage: A decentralized storage solution that allows users to store data securely and efficiently.
  • Ton DNS: A decentralized domain name system that links human-readable names to smart contracts, services, or addresses on the network.
  • Ton Payments: An instant payment solution that leverages the network’s high throughput and low latency.

Staking $TON

Staking $TON, the native cryptocurrency of the Ton Network, is a fundamental mechanism for securing the network and participating in its governance. Here’s a detailed look at how staking works and its benefits:

What is Staking?

Staking involves locking up $TON tokens in the network to support various operations, including transaction validation and network security. Validators, who are responsible for these tasks, are selected based on the amount of $TON they have staked.

Benefits of Staking $TON:


  • Validator Rewards: Validators earn rewards in $TON for their role in validating transactions and securing the network. These rewards come from transaction fees and newly minted tokens.
  • Delegator Rewards: Users who delegate their $TON to validators also earn a share of the rewards, providing an incentive for broader participation in staking.

Network Security:

  • Staking contributes to the network’s security by ensuring that validators have a significant financial stake in maintaining its integrity. This financial commitment discourages malicious behavior, as validators risk losing their staked tokens if they act dishonestly.

Governance Participation:

  • Stakers often have the right to participate in governance decisions, such as voting on protocol upgrades, parameter changes, and other important network decisions. This decentralized governance model ensures that the network evolves in a way that reflects the interests of its community.

How to Stake $TON:


Staking Options

Becoming a Validator:

  • Requirements: Becoming a validator typically requires a substantial amount of $TON, technical expertise, and the ability to maintain reliable server infrastructure.
  • Process: Validators must set up and run a node, lock up their $TON tokens, and participate in the network’s consensus process. They earn rewards for successfully validating transactions and blocks.

Delegating to a Validator:

  • Selection: Users can choose a trusted validator to delegate their $TON tokens. This allows them to participate in staking without running a node themselves.
  • Delegation Process: Users lock up their $TON tokens in a staking contract with the chosen validator. The validator performs the validation work, and the delegators earn a share of the rewards.

Earning and Claiming Rewards:

  • Reward Distribution: Rewards are distributed periodically, typically in proportion to the amount of $TON staked and the validator’s performance.
  • Claiming Rewards: Some networks allow automatic compounding of rewards, while others require manual claiming. Claimed rewards can be reinvested or used as desired.


  • Unstaking Process: Users can initiate the unstaking process when they decide to withdraw their tokens. This process usually involves a waiting period, during which the tokens remain locked.
  • Withdrawal: After the waiting period, users can withdraw their tokens and any accumulated rewards.

The Ton Network, with its advanced architecture and high-performance capabilities, stands out as a robust platform for decentralized applications and services. Staking $TON is an integral part of this ecosystem, providing a way for users to actively contribute to network security and governance while earning rewards. By participating in staking, users help maintain the network’s integrity and support its growth, ensuring a stable and efficient environment for various decentralized solutions.

Increased Adoption of Trading Bots

Trading bots have become an integral part of the cryptocurrency trading ecosystem. The TON Network’s integration with Telegram has paved the way for the development of sophisticated trading bots that operate on this blockchain. These bots offer features such as sniping, limit orders, copy trading, auto buy and sell, and position monitoring. As more traders discover the efficiency and convenience of these bots, trading volumes on the TON Network have naturally increased.

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