State vs. Individual



Photo by Michael on Unsplash

The debate on privacy goes beyond what we can imagine. As a matter of fact, the privacy we have is almost zero in the digital age.

Technology has been invasive since they were used. They improved our life but gave us more trouble than they actually offered.

The internet is a marketplace to freely share privacy in the public domain under private company scrutiny.

Not until cryptocurrency was invented to protect your privacy did the technology become privacy protection that is possible for internet participants.

Then the government enters to punish Tornado Cash developers and sanction the technology that potentially can develop to protect individual privacy further.

Office of Foreign Assets Control or OFAC argued that the smart contract mixer a.k.a Tornado Cash has helped to launder more than $7 billion worth of cryptocurrency since its reaction in 2019 including over $455 million from North Korean-linked hackers.

This was the same argument that the government launched a crypto war in the 90s to prohibit developers from…

