Frank Teunissen
Published in
3 min readMay 31, 2022


In the last 10 years, house prices have grown 3 times faster than wages!

Source: — Property Simplified

With rapidly increasing house prices over the last few years how is anyone able to step onto the property ladder? The traditional practice of saving diligently for a house deposit is no longer viable, as savers fall further behind with savings interest rates plummeting to historic lows. offers a new way to keep up with property prices and it doesn’t involve sacrificing your lifestyle by servicing massively leveraged home loans.

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Leveraging technology not debt

The process is simple and involves purchasing a digital representation of a real-world property. Each property is converted into 5,000 unique ownership parcels, verified using blockchain technology.

Investments start from $200, and whilst buyers own a physical piece of real-world property, they won’t have to deal with any of the stress that comes with owning that property. Every step of the property selection, management and platform development is overseen by experienced professionals.

There are a number of ways to participate in the community, including as an investor, tenant, developer of the platform or as a buyer’s agent sourcing properties.

Web3 enabled solutions use blockchain technology as a central trust mechanism, allowing people to transact directly with other like-minded people. It’s this sense of community and collective spirit that is shaping the future of web3 enabled property investing.

Control your investments

In a traditional fractional property arrangement, or in an investment company (e.g. REIT), fee structures adversely impact returns. These traditional arrangements often pool investor funds, which makes individual property selection and control of your investment impossible. offers the purchase of a unique piece of fractional property, without a ‘trusted third party’ involved in the transaction who often takes the majority of capital gains and rental income. investors control what they buy, how much they buy and when they sell. Investors can also participate in ownership of the whole ecosystem.

Living in your own investment property?

There’s also an option to secure ownership/tenancy in our properties without the need for a large deposit or mortgage. Simply owning a small piece of the property, secured via blockchain will qualify you to apply for the tenancy.

Our project has the potential to change the way people think about stepping onto the property ladder and importantly, to allow savings to keep up with rapidly increasing property prices.’s founding team

The platform is backed by a team of experienced professionals from the property, legal and IT worlds. The regulatory framework surrounding web3 and crypto is still in its infancy, however with an Australian Financial Services Licence and full disclosure of all risks to investors, our team is ready to help the next generation of property investors take their first step onto the property ladder.

Join the community and leverage the power of blockchain technology to make property ownership a reality.

Register your interest today here … = property simplified



Frank Teunissen

web3 developer, property investor, computer scientist, former military pilot, aviation enthusiast.