Tenderly Explorer The Unified Blockchain Explorer You Need

Samson Adesanoye
4 min readMar 20, 2023


The rise of different blockchains has brought various explorers with it, that provide detailed analytics about its blockchain network and the task is left to use their explorer when using their chain. But what if there is another way? Gladly Tenderly Explorer solves the problem with a unified blockchain explorer that provides blockchain data in human-readable form. In this article, we will dive deep into Tenderly Explorer.

What is Tenderly Explorer?

Tenderly Explorer is a block explorer that lets you view public data on transactions, smart contracts, and addresses on various blockchains supported by Tenderly. Transaction hash (transaction ID), tokens, smart contracts and wallet addresses can be used to query all related activities on Tenderly Explorer.
A registered Tenderly account unlocks Tenderly Explorer to a new level with other Tenderly features such as Alerts, Actions etc.


- History to track recent search
- Support for all the blockchain tenderly support.
- Simulate live pending transactions
- Re-stimulate failed and successful transactions
- Easily Integrate other Tenderly Features such as Debugger, Gas Profiler, Alerting, and Actions.

What Are The Blockchains Supported?

As of the time of writing Tenderly support different blockchains ranging from Ethereum Mainnet, Polygon, Binance Smart Chain(BSC), etc.

Blockchains Supported

How to query transactions and wallet addresses on Tenderly Explorer?

One of the features of Tenderly Explorer is tracking transactions. For example, imagine you sent 0.001 ether (ETH) from your wallet to the following public address:


After making the transaction, your wallet display this Transaction ID (TXID):


Let’s say you want to check the number of confirmations the transaction has and see if it has been sent successfully.

  1. Head to Tenderly Explorer homepage

2. Copy and paste the transaction ID (TXID) into the search field, and immediately start searching for it, in this example the transaction ID is based on Ethereum Mainnet, once the search is done click on the result.

3. Now you can see all the details regarding your specific transaction: Explore the transaction.


let’s go through just the default display:

How to look up smart contracts on Tenderly Explorer

Let find out a token address, you can head to CoinMarketCap, CoinGecko, or the project’s official website. You can also check https://etherscan.io/tokens.


Let’s take a look at the MaticToken ERC-20 token on Ethereum:

  1. Copy and paste the smart contract address into the search field.

2. You’ll now see details on the contract balance and other general information regarding the Matic Token contract.

3. Underneath, In the Transactions panel let explore a single transaction. In this example we explore transaction ID: 0xf0e0c949b4483b36855f53822fc89a2a47782fc9135451e068ebd2dd6597efcd

Analysing a single transaction was explored in my article on Take Your Smart Contract Development to the Next Level With Tenderly; where I explore features on Tenderly such as Contracts, Events, State Changes, Debugger, Gas Profiler and Re-simulating transaction.

Tenderly Explorer vs EtherScan

While EtherScan is said to be the most sophisticated blockchain explorer in Ethereum with a lot of features such as interacting with smart contracts e.t.c.
I believe Tenderly Explorer can be used with other blockchains explorer due to the extensive features it supports.


Tenderly Explorer support for various blockchain make it easy to use instead of moving from various blockchain explorers.
Moreover, Tenderly Explorer works hand in hand with all tenderly features which make it easy to setup alert, simulate transaction right from searching a transaction e.t.c.



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