TensorFlow 1.10 has just been released. Here’s what’s new.

Hans A. Gunnoo


Tensorflow, the popular Machine Learning framework, just released its version 1.10 on 09/08/2018. As any data scientist worthy of this name, ignoring the most recent patches is not an option: you want to use your libraries and frameworks to bring out their fullest potential so that your clients know they got their money’s worth through you! (Needless to say, but I am taking no chances here: version 1.10 is NOT the same as version 1.1. Remember that, it will save your reputation some day!)

And so, in an attempt to help my fellow data scientists and the data science community as a whole (After all, if you listened to the latest episode of the Superdatascience podcast, “We are a collaboration, not a competition!”), I will go through the three major features and improvements that version 1.10 has over its predecessor, version 1.9. Note that these are not the only changes that were made, but to explain the other improvements, I would probably need one article each because they are quite advanced. If you are still curious, feel free to have a look at this Github link.

  1. The tf.lite runtime now supports complex64

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Hans A. Gunnoo

Electronic Engineering with Artificial Intelligence, Data Science enthusiast, blogger, adventurer. LinkedIn: https://uk.linkedin.com/in/hans-a-gunnoo-979183147