Thank You for Choosing to Learn with Growth Media Crypto College!

Stephen Odie
2 min readFeb 25, 2022


Image by S. Hermann & F. Richter from Pixabay

At Growth Media Crypto College, we appreciate you for betting on us to give you a learning experience for all your crypto education.

There are a lot of e-learning businesses on the internet( we root for you to own a business) that put out ads to get their services in front of you relentlessly so we do not take your commitment to learn with us for granted.

Today marks a great day for us and that is because of You.

You are why we do all we do at Growth Media Crypto College.

Cheers to many more years of learning!

PS: We have a little surprise for you when you hop on our Twitter Space next week Thursday. Connect on Twitter.

Thank you

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