The Animal Farm Crypto Rugs! Gardens Get Decimated

6 min readOct 21, 2022


One of the above statements is true and one might be true. The Jury is out on The Animal Farm Crypto.

What is a FACT is that my PIGS and DOGS have now been locked up in Animal Farm for over 7 months. It’s a lot of money tied up that I could have done better things with like buy DRIP or more FLUX for example! I’ve been patient. My Patience is running thin. Is this not the same situation with Yield Nodes now? Apart from the goodwill towards Forex what actually is the difference here?

I Love Drip

I do. I love everything about it including the guy who created it and as you know if you read my articles my second love is Animal Farm Gardens. But my gardens and indeed everyone else’s have and are being decimated due to this shit show of a launch. Look at mine!

I’m down over 5 daily LP on this one over the past month and that is despite the fact I DCAd in a couple of times. Had I not done that I would probably be down 7LP or more on this one alone. Multiply this across my 5 gardens and yeah it’s a lot. The Animal Farm Crypto delayed launch has and IS costing me money and lots of it as people flee the gardens and sell their plants off. Well over a million dollars has been taken out of the contract now.

Project Delivery

By trade, I am a professional software tester. I’ve worked across the world as a consultant on multi-million pound projects mainly in Tech and Telco. We have huge teams and dev is only one small part. NOTHING goes live without going through my department. We have the following phases

Unit testing: Performed by devs on their own code.

IoT (Inter Operability) This phase tests the interfaces between systems and the messages that flow between them. API calls and the like. We normally use tools like SoapUI for such testing.

E2E (End To End) This is the same as IOT but instead of using SoapUI or similar to generate the messages we use the real systems bolted together and test End to End for real.

Performance. This phase tests load and soak and the general performance of the code and systems.

UAT (User Acceptance) This is where the business gets involved to test the final product before they give the go-ahead to go live. Companies that tend to fail use their customers as their UAT testers and let them find the bugs. Not a good strategy in the modern age.

There are a few other types of testing but in the main, these above need to be done multiple times before going live on a large project. On a project for Huawei/Virgin I had a team of 75 testers!

From what I can make out Forex is a one-man team. Does anyone know? One developer. He maybe has a couple of other developers but he never talks about a test team. My whole industry and department exist for one important reason.

Devs do not make good testers and most of them do not want to do it either!

Defi Must Mature Or Die

If we as a community want Defi to mature and be taken seriously we can no longer invest in single small team devs projects on a promise! It is as simple as that folks. You may not like that statement but it’s true all the same.

Projects need to have proper teams in place because if they don’t this is what you get. Lots of money locked up potentially lost for months on end, lack of communication from the head of the project himself and a general sense of frustration within the community. Not to mention how much money has been lost from all the potential investors that were going to invest in Animal Farm Crypto and now won’t! All that marketing money is totally WASTED.

We must vote with our feet and stop giving these guys our money to play with until they provide details of their teams and roadmaps. More importantly, they provide and stick to deadlines and communicate in a professional manner with their communities.

The Future Of The Animal Farm Crypto

At this point, I honestly don’t know if it will launch or not. Do you aside from your all things Forex hopium? Will it launch today? Tonight? Next week?

What I do know is that it has not and we have been given in my professional opinion a bullshit excuse. No Dev in his right mind would make a small project change before go-live that would delay going live. It would never happen! You’ve had 7 months and you find a small contract improvement the day before launch. Get out of here. Utter nonsense. You would launch without it.

It also appears that you can’t talk about it in the Drip channel on Telegram anymore as this is what greets me this morning. Am I surprised? No. This is just general Forex lack of communication and his inability to man up and take criticism.

I fully expect that I will take some criticism for this post though because for some it is sacrilege to criticise the great Forex. That is fine these are just my opinions and you are welcome to yours. It does not change the facts though does it?

My money is locked, yours is locked and he didn’t launch.

I Hope The Animal Farm Crypto Launches

You can criticise me all you like but I honestly do. I even hope it launches by the time this article posts and goes live and makes this article utterly defunct. But what’s to say it launches and then pauses again. Have you considered that?

I hope it launches “Soon” because then I can get back to writing my articles and loving the ecosystem (if it works). I WANT Defi to work for all of us but as I said above there must be accountability and there must be improvements. You cannot continue to take people’s hard-earned money and have zero accountability.

I also want Defi to work because it gives me boundless opportunities to write about it which I enjoy doing.

My Buddy Codes

Normally I would slot all my buddy links in here as we all do. I’m not going to do that anymore for The Animal Farm Crypto until this is sorted out because in all good conscience I can’t recommend this project to anyone at the moment.

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Originally published at on October 21, 2022.

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