Blockchain: Is it just a hype?

The Blockchain is often touted as the next Internet. An innovation so significant that it will revolutionize the way we live our lives.

Suraj Dubey
Published in
5 min readMar 21, 2020


Blockchain hype has missed the mark

Even more than AI, blockchain is something most executives know they should care about, but haven’t yet really figured out how to use it.

I see individuals proclaiming blockchain to be the cure-all for every corporate ail.

Well, it’s not true.

The primary reason around the hype for blockchain is that it’s only a piece of the hype cycle we’re in.

The promotion encompassing blockchain originates from standard establishments and institutional speculators, which incidentally, are the very associations it looked to bypass in any case.

“Skepticism is more necessary and valuable than any blind belief anybody has about anything “
-Carolyn Kim

This applies for now at least.

Typically the blend of intense buzz and hard to grasp technology has led some people not to think critically as perhaps they might. The kind of rise in shares of some companies when it puts the word “Blockchain” in its name is an example.

In total, ICOs raised over $5B across nearly 800 deals in 2017. To put those numbers into context, equity investors deployed $1B in 215 deals to the sector.

Is blockchain living up to the hype?

On a basic level blockchain may be utilized in any circumstance yet we right now trust some substance to deal with our information in new manners that help us to interact. At the point when you consider it numerous circumstances fits that description, what are Facebook, Amazon, and uber for instance they do have a premise that helps us interact? Might blockchain one day fabricate new online models where we possess our information or maybe sell our consideration legitimate.

As blockchain evacuates the need for intermediaries blockchain reminds us why we discover those intermediaries worth difficult.

  • Intermediaries can correct missteps.

Free your web banking password and your bank will send you another one free the password to your bitcoin wallet and you can kiss your bitcoins goodbye.

  • Intermediaries resolve disputes.

In any case, if a dispute circumstance occurs in any blockchain-empowered stage, there exists no instrument to settle the debate.

  • If there’s a bug in the code of your smart contract, you lose the entirety of your cash.
  • If somebody effectively hacks the blockchain security, you lose all your money.

From numerous points of view, believing innovation is more enthusiastically than confiding in individuals.

For some reason,

  • Blockchain can be slow and power-hungry.

Bitcoin, for instance, chugs through 3 or 4 exchanges for each second while Visa midpoints 1600 transactions per second, to validate these transactions the computer solving this cryptographic puzzles consumes by one estimate about as much electricity as would be generated by seven Dungeness nuclear power plants at once.

The technological challenge of scaling blockchain seems real.

“In about 90 percent of cases blockchain is not the solution for an individual company or organization, and there is a better answer.”

Nonetheless, for 10 percent, blockchain bodes well and is a ground-breaking expansion, making straightforwardness, responsibility, and a gigantic upper hand. The key is recognizing what this innovation is, does, and can do.

Well, the thing is…

The revolution hasn’t quite happened

Yet big banks have grown bigger and more entrenched, privacy exists only until the next hack. MasterCard extortion is an unavoidable truth. Many of the “legacy systems” once designed to make our lives easier and our economy more efficient are no longer up to the task. Yet there is a way past all this―a new kind of operating system with the potential to revolutionize vast swaths of our economy: the blockchain, some think so.

Blockchain is being utilized to follow merchandise through supply chains or applied in licensed innovation in the advanced world.
or make contracts quicker to administer our voting systems more secure.

“In many cases, there is a cost-saving to be made once you’ve got past the initial hurdle — obviously bringing in any new system is expensive,”

-Entrepreneur Helen Disney

While blockchain rant will unquestionably proceed, even doubters like Mr. Birch think some engaged applications could demonstrate advantageously.
So far, blockchain might not have changed the world — but it has got a lot of people thinking.

In 2020, we expect to see increased experimentation with hybrid blockchain models, both in the financial sector (for example, decentralized finance or Defi and “synthetic” CBDCs) and the public sector (increased use of smart contracts).
From the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting.

The hype is killing Blockchain technology

It is only a decade since blockchain was invented shouldn’t we expect some wrong moves and false starts before we figure out what its good for.
It’s a tool like many other tools in your modern software suite. And it should be applied where relevant.
It shouldn’t surprise us that shares in the Long Blockchain Corporation promptly crashed by 96%.

But nor should it make us too cynical about what might one day be possible.

“I do think the blockchain infrastructure is here to stay.”

- Lisa Su

