The Blockchain Trilemma: Balancing Security, Scalability, and Decentralization

Ben Baiju
2 min readJul 26, 2023


The concept of the blockchain trilemma emphasizes the inherent trade-offs among three essential properties of a blockchain system: Security, Scalability, and Decentralization. The trilemma posits that achieving the utmost levels of all three properties simultaneously is challenging, if not impossible. Instead, to enhance or optimize one aspect, compromises must be made in one or both of the other aspects.

The Blockchain Trilemma

The three Blockchain Trilemmas are explained below:

  1. Security: In a secure blockchain, the network must be resilient to attacks, and the consensus mechanism must be robust and trustworthy. This often involves requiring a sufficient number of nodes (validators) to participate in the consensus process, which increases security but can affect scalability and decentralization.
  2. Scalability: Scalability refers to the ability of a blockchain network to handle a large number of transactions efficiently. As the number of transactions per second increases, the system’s performance improves, but achieving high scalability might require compromising on decentralization and security.
  3. Decentralization: Decentralization ensures that no single entity or group of entities has control over the network. A highly decentralized blockchain relies on a large number of nodes participating in the consensus process. However, this can lead to slower consensus and reduced scalability, as all nodes need to reach an agreement.

Approaches to Solve the Blockchain Trilemma in Various Blockchains

Many blockchain projects try to solve the blockchain trilemma in their own ways. Below, I will explain how it is implemented in a few blockchains and discuss their respective approaches:

  • Bitcoin: It prioritizes decentralization and security but sacrifices scalability. The Bitcoin network has a relatively low transaction throughput compared to some other blockchains.
  • Ethereum: Ethereum also emphasizes decentralization and security but is working on improving scalability through solutions like Ethereum 2.0 and layer-2 scaling solutions (e.g., rollups).
  • Binance Smart Chain (BSC): BSC sacrifices some decentralization by using a more centralized consensus model but achieves higher scalability and lower transaction fees as a result.
  • EOS: EOS aims for higher scalability by using a delegated proof-of-stake (DPoS) consensus mechanism, but it has faced criticism for reduced decentralization due to a limited number of block producers.


The blockchain trilemma presents one of the most significant challenges for blockchain developers and architects. Projects frequently must find a delicate balance among these three fundamental properties, considering their specific use cases and objectives. Choosing the right priorities for a project is crucial since it can determine the difference between success and failure. As technology advances and new innovations emerge, the industry continues to search for solutions that can optimize the trade-offs of the trilemma, better catering to the diverse needs of various applications.

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Ben Baiju

Passionate about tech, business, and finance. Exploring their intersections and leveraging innovation to unlock new possibilities.