The Complete Guide to NFT Whitelists: What is a Whitelist? How to get on one.

Read here to learn all about NFT whitelists, how they work and how you can get on one. Read now.

Kathy Andrew
Published in
4 min readApr 4, 2022


If you have spent more than five minutes looking up NFTs, then you have heard the term “whitelist” or “allowlist.” Think of these “lists” as a VIP or guest list for a club. Many will try, but not everyone will get in.

Blue box with pixelated background reading What is a NFT Whitelist
Getting Whitelisted for a NFT project is a bit like a game.

What is Whitelisting?

The term whitelisting is a legacy term from the cybersecurity industry and generally means that an account is “safe.”

NFT Whitelisting?

For NFTs, being on a whitelist means that your crypto wallet address has been preapproved for an upcoming MINT drop or launch. Most NFTs are on the Ethereum blockchain; thus, your public Ethereum address is what gets whitelisted.

NFT Whitelist Benefits: For collectors/investors

An NFT whitelist is the most frequent way NFT project creators use to reward their community.

  • A gas war is prevented by letting loyal fans mint before the public (usually 24 hours before).
  • Most of the time being on the whitelist also means that the mint…



Kathy Andrew

Wife, mom. Early-stage NFT Investor 💥 Looking for work -> see my marketing portfolio.