The Cosmonaut Quest — Week5

Skywalker ⚛️ 🏴‍☠️
5 min readMar 29, 2022


5th week since the official beginning is gone and it is now the time to check the portfolio performance.


The way I will present it is simply giving an overview of each position in the portfolio, showing the increased numbers of tokens in it week by week and snapshot the price of each token each Sunday afternoon.

Moreover, I will share important status updates to Cosmos ecosystem protocols we allocated and related markets performance.

This time Week5 results we be displayed. This time I went a bit long with publishing the weekly result. In the meantime, since taking the snapshots on Sunday 27th March, the markets have been pushing a new upward trend. BTC reached again $48K, and Terra (LUNA) reached a new all time high! Good price movement was seen for ATOM and SCRT with the start of the new week!

Without further digressions, let’s check the latest portfolio performance.

Week 5 Result

In the below table it can be found the overview of Week 5 results, in terms of assets allocations, quantities and prices. The price snapshot is made Sunday 27/03/2022 at 3PM.

Compared to last week the portfolio amount had a decrease of -9.23%.

Growth Overview

In the below table it can be found the overview of Week 5 results, in terms of assets allocations, quantities and prices. The amount snapshot is made also each Sunday at 3PM.

Note that Growth % disclosed shows the weekly performance against the previous week. Below a graphic representation of the above table:

Ecosystem Performance

Below it will be presented the performance of each asset of the portfolio on various points. Follow up to be up to date on the weekly ecosystem variations and news.

Cosmos (ATOM)

Market cap is +4.19%.

Price action

ATOM price in the last Last 7 Days is +0.96% compared to previous week report. Price graph is presented below for an overview.

And weekly ATOM Price Action can be found below:

Osmosis (OSMO)

Market cap is -11.03%.

Overview on the TVL (total value locked) on Osmosis Network. It currently sits on 12th spot as chain by TVL, up +6 from last week (check Defi Llama).

Osmosis Liquidity compared to last week is +0.09%. Snapshot of the last week TVL amount as below:

Price action

OSMO price in the last Last 7 Days is -9.26% compared to previous week report. Price graph is presented below for an overview.

And weekly OSMO Price Action can be found below:

Juno (JUNO)

Market cap is -25.59%. The community vote on infamous proposal 16 has split the Juno community. The last few weeks have been quite a rollercoaster, but in terms of fundamentals Juno is stronger than ever. In my opinion it is absolutely acceptable have a community disagreement on such a sentitive topic and solution to it. Juno is a community driven network and it should not surprise that not all proposals are agreed by the vast majority every time. As we are creating value for the future, the recent price movements do not consitute a risk. Also, it is a pity that it was not time to buy yet, Juno at 25$ was really a steal.

At the moment of publishing the price has already bounced back to around 29$ per Juno.

Price action

JUNO price in the last Last 7 Days is -27.15% compared to previous week report. Price graph is presented below for an overview:

And weekly JUNO Price Action can be found below:

Secret (SCRT)

Market cap is +8.91%.

Overview on the TVL (total value locked) on Secret Network in its protocols. It currently sits on 47th spot as chain by TVL, same spot as last week (check Defi Llama).

Price action

SCRT price in the last Last 7 Days is +8.55% compared to previous week report. Price graph is presented below for an overview:

And weekly SCRT Price Action can be found below:



These last few weeks I was also able to get few interesting Airdrops:

  • Nomic (NOM)
  • Shade Protocol (SHD)
  • Cheqd (CHEQ)

Rewards at this stage are always put in Stake where possible or will be as soon as staking is open. By Staking NOM and compounding the staking rewards I was increase NOM quantities of +11.03% since last week and increase of +85.61%since I fist received the airdrop. The more time will pass the more new airdrop will be received, staked and compunded.

New airdrops to be received are AssetMantle ($MNTL), Cerberus ($CRBRUS), Evmos ($EVMOS) and newly added Crescient ($CRE).

So looking forward to claim all the coming airdrops. For few of these, I was already able to verify the allocation and it is very a positive result. This is just free money!

Back to you again next week with a new udpdate!

Sail ho dear Cosmonauts!

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Skywalker ⚛️ 🏴‍☠️

#Web3 pirate secretly looking for Treasure Planet 🪐 #Cosmonaut 🧑🏼‍🚀 $ATOM & $ETH DeFi Eco-Farmer 24/7/365 #NFT Collector 🇮🇹 & always #BTC