The Crypto-Anarchist Tendencies of Argentina’s President-Elect, Javier Milei: An In-Depth Analysis

Michael J. W.
6 min readNov 22, 2023


In a dramatic shift in Argentina’s political landscape, Javier Gerardo Milei, a figure often labelled a “crypto-anarchist,” has ascended to the presidential office*.

The following article aims to dissect the nuances of this designation, explore its accuracy, and consider the possible implications for Argentina’s economic and political trajectory.

*Note: as of November 2023, Milei is still “only” president-elect. He will officially assume office in December.

Disclaimer: The content of this article is provided solely for informational purposes and is intended to offer an overview of recent political developments and their possible implications.

The article does not endorse, criticize, or express any opinion regarding the political ideologies, philosophies, or strands of thinking described therein. The information is presented to inform readers, enabling them to form their own opinions and perspectives based on the facts and analyses provided.

Ideological Foundations: The Libertarian Roots of Milei’s Philosophy

Milei’s economic philosophy resonates with the libertarian school of thought, which advocates for laissez-faire economics, minimal state intervention, and the sanctity of individual freedoms.

This ideology traces its origins to thinkers like Adam Smith, whose seminal work “The Wealth of Nations’’ laid the groundwork for free-market economics.

Additionally, modern libertarian scholars like Friedrich Hayek and Milton Friedman have influenced Milei’s perspectives, particularly their advocacy for limited government and free-market capitalism as pathways to economic prosperity and individual freedom.

Milei often references the works of the above-mentioned libertarians to justify his economic policies.

He echoes Friedman’s criticism of central banking systems and government-controlled currencies. He has also drawn from Hayek’s principles, particularly the idea of spontaneous order, to argue against government overreach in economic matters.

This concept posits that complex systems like economies can self-organize effectively without central planning, based on the individual actions of self-interested agents. This idea, rooted in classical liberalism and exemplified by the market’s pricing mechanism, challenges the efficacy of centralized economic planning.

Hayek argues that decentralized decision-making leverages dispersed information more efficiently than any single authority could. His theory underpins libertarian advocacy for minimal government intervention and free-market capitalism, serving as a critique of socialism and other forms of centralized control.

Crypto-Anarchism and Milei’s Advocacy for Cryptocurrencies

Milei’s interest in crypto-anarchism is evident in his vigorous support for cryptocurrencies.

This stance is not just a technological preference but a fundamental extension of his libertarian beliefs.

Crypto-anarchism, a term coined by Timothy C. May, aligns with libertarianism in its distrust of centralized authority and its promotion of individual autonomy.

By endorsing cryptocurrencies, Milei aligns himself with the idea of using cryptography as a tool to evade government control and establish a more decentralized and autonomous financial system.

Statements and Policies

Milei has made several public statements underscoring his commitment to these ideologies.

For example, he has spoken about the need for an economic system that limits a government’s ability to inflate currency, a direct nod to the libertarian critique of fiat money and central banking.

His promotion of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies as alternatives to state-controlled currency systems is a clear embodiment of this belief.

Furthermore, Milei has often criticised Argentina’s fiscal policies for their restrictive nature and has proposed more open, market-driven alternatives in line with libertarian economic theories.

Implications of Milei’s Libertarian Ideology

His deep-seated libertarian views suggest a transformative shift in Argentina’s governance and economic management.

His administration may embark on a comprehensive journey of deregulation, aiming to reduce government control across various sectors.

This could include loosening business regulations, diminishing state interference in market operations, and potentially overhauling tax structures to spur entrepreneurial activity and investment.

Milei’s stance on labor laws could also lead to significant reforms, possibly aiming to increase labor market flexibility and reduce employment costs for businesses.

Additionally, his libertarian perspective could drive a strategic pivot towards widespread privatization. This shift might encompass selling state-owned enterprises, promoting private investment in sectors traditionally dominated by the government, and encouraging public-private partnerships.

Cryptocurrency Advocacy and Its Economic Implications

Milei’s endorsement of cryptocurrencies represents a critical aspect of his economic strategy, especially in the context of Argentina’s inflationary pressures and fiscal challenges.

He sees digital currencies as tools for economic revitalization, offering an alternative to conventional monetary systems. This approach could lead to initiatives encouraging the adoption and integration of cryptocurrencies in Argentina’s financial landscape.

This move, while promoting monetary freedom and diversification, could also present new regulatory challenges, requiring innovative approaches to ensure financial stability and consumer protection (challenges which remain very much alive in other parts of the world).

It should be noted that the advocacy for integrating cryptocurrencies is just one aspect of his strategy to address Argentina’s fiscal challenges.

Additionally, with potentially more immediate and medium-term effects, Milei aims to implement his dollarization plan, which involves substituting the Argentine Peso with the US Dollar.

Analyzing the ‘Crypto-Anarchist’ Label

The label of “crypto-anarchist” attributed to Milei requires nuanced interpretation.

While it captures his enthusiasm for cryptocurrencies and limited government intervention, it somewhat oversimplifies his actual political stance.

Milei’s vision is not of an anarchic state but rather a reformed, minimal state that leverages the benefits of cryptocurrencies and free-market principles. His ideology, thus, represents a blend of libertarian thought with elements of crypto-anarchism, focusing on systemic reform rather than outright dismantlement of state structures.

Nonetheless, under Milei, Argentina could experience a fundamental redirection in its economic policy.

Expectations point towards a paradigm shift favoring market mechanisms, reduced state intervention, and enhanced private sector participation.

The integration of cryptocurrencies could add a novel dimension to the financial sector, potentially offering innovative solutions to longstanding economic issues.

Repositioning in International Relations

Milei’s unique economic and political stance may also lead to a reevaluation of Argentina’s international relationships, especially in terms of economic partnerships and monetary policy.

His approach to international relations is marked by a strong anti-communist stance and an alignment with certain global political figures who share similar views.

His admiration for leaders like former Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro and former U.S. President Donald Trump is rooted in a mutual opposition to socialism and communism.

Milei’s ideological alignment is based on a broad anti-left coalition, encompassing liberals, libertarians, centrists, and conservatives, united by a common rejection of social democracy and leftist ideologies.

Milei has expressed support for Nayib Bukele’s policies in El Salvador, particularly his successful heavy-handed approach, while maintaining a cautious stance and advocating for further study and evaluation of these policies.

His admiration for former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, especially for her role in combating communism in Europe, underscores his preference for strong economic policies, although this has sparked controversy domestically, particularly with Falklands War veterans.

In terms of specific political alliances, Milei has shown support for the Madrid Charter, initiated by Spain’s Vox party.

This document opposes left-wing groups in Ibero-America, accusing them of criminal activities and destabilizing liberal democracies.

Milei’s endorsement of this charter aligns him with other far-right politicians in the region, demonstrating a clear ideological stance against left-wing movements.

On foreign policy, Milei has declared the United States and Israel as primary allies, going so far as to express intentions of relocating the Argentine embassy in Israel to Jerusalem.

This move signifies a significant geopolitical alignment and a departure from Argentina’s traditional stances.

Milei’s approach to China is notably confrontational.

In August 2023, he announced plans to freeze relations with China, citing concerns over human rights and freedom. This stance could have substantial economic implications for Argentina, given the extensive trade and investment links between the two countries.

Regarding the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Milei has shown clear support for Ukraine, even symbolically entering the Argentine National Congress with a Ukrainian flag. This act reflects his stance on the conflict and a broader perspective on international disputes.


Javier Milei’s categorization as a “crypto-anarchist” reflects his departure from conventional political and economic doctrines, leaning towards a libertarian model enriched by cryptocurrency advocacy.

This simplistic label, however, doesn’t fully encapsulate the complexity of his political philosophy.

His presidency is set to open a new chapter in Argentina’s history, one anticipated to bring significant economic reforms and a reshaping of the political narrative.

The unfolding of these changes within Argentina’s complex socio-economic fabric will be a key area of interest and analysis.

However, only time will tell to what extent Milei’s proposed reforms can be successfully implemented.

Their efficacy in addressing the long-standing economic and fiscal issues faced by Argentina remains to be seen…



Michael J. W.

Switzerland-based startup worker, perpetual student, observer of everday things, covering the intersection of philosophy, technology and popular culture