The Dawn of Room-Temp Superconductivity


By Ty Stevenson

@TYinTECH ⏐AI, Web3, & Quantum⏐Yogi // Philosopher // Dad // Ex-Marine // Traveler // Futurist

July 29, 2023

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The Dawn of Room-Temperature Superconductivity


This isn’t your average breakthrough; it’s an epic leap forward, outpacing even the notable advancements like graphene, Li-ion batteries, or OpenAI and ChatGPT

The ripple effects could redefine humanity’s journey, as consequential as the Industrial Revolution or nuclear power inception

The Potential of Room-Temp. Superconductivity:


1️⃣ Measurements

Superconducting sensors could become accessible, transforming our interaction with technology

2️⃣ Industrial Machinery

These machines could undergo an upgrade with more efficient, smaller motors — think electric airplanes!

3️⃣ Nuclear Fusion

The promise of nuclear fusion being viable and controllable becomes more real with superconductors

4️⃣ Transportation

The world of transportation faces a significant transformation. Electric vehicles and levitating trains could become radically more efficient. Imagine saying goodbye to traditional gas stations

5️⃣ Medical Diagnostics

Medical Diagnostic tools might become more commonplace with cheaper, compact MRI machines due to room-temperature superconductors

6️⃣ Energy Storage

We’re on the edge of a significant shift in energy storage and transmission. Picture lossless electrical grids and superconducting coils acting as ‘ultimate batteries.’ It’s a game-changer for everything from city grids to spacecrafts

7️⃣ Computing Speed

The digital landscape awaits a revolution. Think ultra-fast, energy-efficient computers, and maybe even room-temperature quantum computing. It’s a reimagining of how we build and interact with devices

One of the biggest hurdles we face when advancing #quantumcomputing is the need for temperature and absolute stability. This room temp superconductivity may help solve this problem

The critical question now is — can these results be replicated? Several research teams are on it, and as we watch with anticipation, we might be at the cusp of a scientific paradigm shift ⚛️

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