A journey into a new economy world

DAO Journeys

The Death of the Corporation

Felix Kuestahler
Published in
5 min readJul 10, 2019


Under the headline “Findings of my journey into the emerging world of DAO’s” I will write articles about my working experiences with DAOstack based Distributed Autonomous Organizations (DAO).

But before I start this journey I want to republish an article, which I wrote five years ago about the topic “The Future Of Work”. I have forgotten about the article and stumbled by accident over it when doing some research for my upcoming DAO articles.

It’s the time when I got fascinated (thanks to John Hagel's work) by the topic of a new emerging work model, as a result of the big shift, which transforms our economy from a push to a pull model.

Quite amazing that the vision articulated at that point in time — in the year when the initial crowdsale for the development of Ethereum took place — now is slowly turning into reality. Five years into the Ethereum development paves the way for a new revolutionary working model.

Five years sounds like a long time but when we are looking back in two or three…



Felix Kuestahler

Exploring the emerging world of decentralization. All content and opinion expressed in the context of my legal entity https://atnode.ch/