The End of the Dollar Era — Vladimir Okhotnikov: While You Sleep, The Banks Steal Your Money

2 min readMar 2, 2024


Vladimir Okhotnikov

Vladimir Okhotnikov’s article, “The End of the Dollar Era,” is a thought-provoking piece that sheds light on the devaluation of fiat currency and the increasing value of cryptocurrency, gold, and silver. Okhotnikov, a renowned expert in cryptocurrencies, explains the concept of inflation and how central banks’ uncontrolled distribution of money leads to a decrease in the purchasing power of the common people.

Okhotnikov uses the analogy of a village and its central bank to illustrate how newly printed money is distributed unevenly, with the wealthy and financial institutions receiving it first. This leads to an increase in demand for goods and services, causing prices to rise and leaving the less fortunate with less purchasing power.

The article also highlights the difference between real money (such as gold and silver) and fiat currency, which loses its value over time due to inflation. Vladimir Okhotnikov explains that inflation is like wind blowing leaves off trees, affecting people’s ability to buy what they need. Therefore, many people are thinking about how to preserve their capital so that it does not decrease over time.

Vladimir Okhotnikov also discusses how companies like Tesla are turning to cryptocurrencies as a hedge against currency risks in the market. He emphasizes the importance of understanding that money is not constant and does not maintain purchasing power over time.

He suggests that cryptocurrency has become a lifeline for many who suffered from the global economic crisis in 2008 and that a better understanding of decentralization can benefit individuals’ financial situations.

Vladimir Okhotnikov's article is a well-written and informative piece

The material presented serves as a warning about the devaluation of fiat currency and the importance of considering alternative assets such as cryptocurrency, gold, and silver to preserve one’s capital.

Okhotnikov’s expertise in cryptocurrencies and his ability to explain complex economic concepts in simple language make this article a valuable read for anyone interested in finance and economics.

To read the original article, please visit this link.

