The Forgotten Saga isn’t Worth it in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla!

Rodney McGill


A bigger waste of time there never was!

Taken with my Android Phone

Okay, so I decided to go back to Assassin’s Creed Valhalla to put the DLC in its place and ran across a little something called the Forgotten Saga. Apparently, the Forgotten Saga is a free game mode where you’re on this rampage to save someone who ISN’T even there!

After spending almost 3 hours of playing this crap and dying about a million times, there are some things that stuck out to me. Many of them are in game as you play. Others are just things you encounter as you’re making “runs”.

Honestly, there’s no right or wrong way to do this and there is something to be said about the disappointment that is the Forgotten Saga which I will take the time and point out. I’m going give my brutally honest opinion about this ‘free game mode’ so strap in.

  1. Time consumption, the amount of time that you have to invest in this in order to possibly come close to standing a decent chance is WAY over the top! You die then you’re back at the beginning land i.e. Odin’s Camp all over again. I spent more time trying to survive than I did trying to weapon up, this is way more stressful than a normal human can handle.
  2. Perfect run, you have to do a perfect run in order to get in and get out which means a lot of it



Rodney McGill

Writing extraordinaire, I've always loved writing since I was a kid and I'm happy that I am able to become a paid writer like I want to be.