The Freelancer’s Smart Contract: How It Works

Why a Freelancer’s Smart Contract?

Jackson Ng
Published in
8 min readApr 26, 2021


I began my career building software for companies as a freelancer in my teens back in the late 90s. It was the best, or worst of times depending on how you see it. Apart from honing my development skills, I learned how to price my service and negotiate terms of payments so that I would be paid in stages as I delivered codes. These were skills I kept dear and near till today.

But it certainly wasn’t easy. There was one project that I completed just before I was sent away on 10 weeks’ military training. As a result, it was logistically challenging to receive my final payment. Remember that this was the days before Internet banking, so fund transfer was out of the question. I was worried about the cheque getting lost in the mail and insisted to visit the company to collect my payments.

Photo by Wioleta Zakrzewska on Unsplash

More than 2 decades later, I wondered how a freelancer may use Smart Contracts on the Ethereum Blockchain to ensure that he gets paid for work done.

How It Will Work?

This section describes how the Freelancer Smart Contract will work.

