The Future of Smart Contracts: Trends and Emerging Use Cases

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7 min readMay 21, 2024


The advent of blockchain technology has changed the way we approach data storage and transaction processing. One of the most significant innovations within this space is the concept of smart contracts development services, which have the potential to transform industries and reshape the way we conduct business.

The global smart contracts market is experiencing rapid growth and transformation. This innovative technology is redefining how contractual agreements are executed, eliminating the need for intermediaries and enhancing efficiency across various industries. Below are some key insights into the market’s current status and future projections:

  • The global smart contracts market was valued at USD 1.71 billion in 2023.
  • The market is projected to reach USD 2.14 billion in 2024.
  • It is expected to grow to USD 12.55 billion by 2032.
  • The market is anticipated to exhibit a CAGR of 24.7% during the forecast period (2024–2032).

A smart contract is a computer program that performs contractual tasks automatically without third-party involvement.

Smart contracts can facilitate:

  • The exchange of funds.
  • Service provisions.
  • The release of content protected by Digital Rights Management.
  • Other forms of data manipulation, such as changing land registry names.

The market growth is driven by several factors, including:

  • The increasing adoption of blockchain technology across various industries and supply chains.
  • The rising usage of online banking.

Smart Contract Market Trends To Explore

*Smart contracts encompass various technologies and industries, extending beyond financial transactions.

*The integration of smart contracts with the Internet of Things (IoT) offers opportunities for automation and efficiency across diverse sectors.

*Businesses can establish self-executing agreements triggered by real-time sensor data, thanks to blockchain technology.

*This integration connects hardware devices with smart contract solutions, driving technological advancements.

*It redefines interactions among businesses, industries, and individuals in both digital and physical realms.

*Combining smart contracts with IoT and edge computing enables real-time data processing, enhancing responsiveness in IoT applications.

*Furthermore, integrating smart contracts with IoT secures peer-to-peer trading between connected devices, eliminating the need for intermediaries

Note-Above Data is Sourced From

In this article, we will delve into the world of smart contracts on the blockchain. We’ll explore their benefits, and trends, as well as the use cases and future directions of this rapidly evolving field.

So, let’s begin!

Exploring Smart Contracts Trends and Predictions

The future of smart contract development is promising, with several key trends and developments expected to shape its evolution. Despite the challenges, these trends offer advantages that include:

1. Increasing Adoption Across Industries

We’re already seeing smart contracts moving beyond decentralized finance (Defi) development into areas like:

  • Supply Chain Management

How amazing that tracking goods throughout the supply chain can be streamlined using smart contracts for the sake of product authenticity and provenance. For instance, VeChain is a blockchain platform that focuses on supply chain management and works with Walmart China to create a food safety traceability platform.

  • Real Estate

Smart contracts are being increasingly adopted in the real estate industry to streamline various processes. They can automate the execution of real estate transactions by enforcing the terms and conditions of the agreement. This helps reduce the risk of errors as the contract terms are self-executing and tamper-resistant.

  • Voting Systems

Yes, smart contracts are indeed being explored for use in voting systems to enhance transparency and security. By leveraging blockchain technology, smart contracts can enable secure and tamper-proof digital voting processes.

  • Healthcare

In the healthcare industry, smart contracts are being adopted to improve patient data management and streamline medical research processes.

Additionally, healthcare smart contract development can facilitate the seamless exchange of medical data between healthcare providers, insurers, and patients. This improves the overall coordination and delivery of healthcare services.

2. Integration with IoT

The integration of smart contracts with the Internet of Things (IoT) is a significant trend for the efficient management of data from IoT devices. It can be highly useful for functions like automating payments and managing supply chains.

On the other hand, incorporating IoT can automate security protocols and create a more secure and interconnected ecosystem for smart contracts.

3. Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning

The convergence of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) with smart contract development is expected to bring new advancements. AI-powered smart contracts can introduce automated decision-making, predictive analytics, and intelligent automation, enhancing the efficiency and responsiveness of digital agreements. One more thing that makes AI very useful is that machine learning can assess risks associated with a smart contract and suggest mitigation strategies.

4.Legal and Regulatory Developments

As the adoption of smart contracts grows, there will be a need for legal and regulatory frameworks to ensure their validity and enforceability. Policymakers and industry stakeholders are expected to collaborate to establish standards and best practices to address issues like contract legality and dispute resolution.


Enabling smart contracts to interact with each other across different blockchains is a major goal. This will unlock new possibilities for cross-chain applications and data exchange. With that, developing standardized protocols for communication between smart contracts on different platforms will be key to achieving true interoperability.

The future of smart contracts holds immense potential to transform the way transactions are conducted but it will require ongoing research, development, and collaboration with a dedicated smart contract development company and the establishment of legal frameworks to unlock their full capabilities. Now, let’s move ahead and see some benefits of smart contracts in various domains.

Main Benefits of Smart Contract Development

Smart contracts offer a number of advantages that are driving their growth and adoption across various sectors.

  • Transparency and Trust

One of the prime advantages of a smart contract is that it provides all parties with the same information simultaneously, minimizing the risk of manipulation. Moreover, the immutability of data on the blockchain guarantees trust and security which reduces the chances of breaches or errors in contract management and execution.

  • Autonomy and Independence

The contract eliminates the need for intermediaries like lawyers or banks. They operate autonomously based on pre-programmed code, giving parties greater control and independence over their agreements. This autonomy fosters independence among involved parties which leads to faster processes.

  • Cost Savings

One of the significant benefits of smart contract development is the reduction in costs associated with intermediaries. By automating contract operations, smart contracts eliminate the reliance on various above-discussed intermediaries, thereby avoiding fees and transaction charges, resulting in substantial cost savings for your businesses.

  • Speed and Efficiency

Smart contracts expedite transactions by removing the need for multiple approvals or manual processing. The automated nature of contracts allows for swift execution, saving time compared to traditional manual processes. This speed enhances efficiency in various business operations like finance and healthcare to streamline transactions and reduce delays.

  • Automatic Updates

Smart contracts automatically adjust and update contract terms which eliminates the need for manual intervention in updating processes. This feature ensures that contracts stay current and accurate without the need for additional processes. The automation offered by smart contracts enhances the agility and adaptability of contractual agreements over time.

Also read: Future of Technology — Explore Top 10 Technology Trends in 2024

Top Smart Contract Use Cases Across Industries

Smart contracts save a lot of time by automating different processes that are highly complex. Here are some of the best smart contract use cases across various sectors:


Smart contracts in the insurance sector revolutionize claim settlements with timely payouts. They evaluate claims based on predefined parameters for detecting fraud and enabling micro-insurance solutions for underserved populations.

Several startups are developing flight delay insurance products that utilize smart contracts. One example is Etherisc, a decentralized insurance platform that offers parametric flight delay insurance.

Digital identity management

Smart contracts play a crucial role in digital identity management by safeguarding sensitive information through cryptographic techniques. They validate identity claims without the need for trust, ensuring secure interactions and dynamic data protection through conditional data sharing. This innovative use case balances security and flexibility for a robust data ecosystem.

To cite an example, Sovrin is a decentralized identity platform that leverages self-sovereign identity (SSI) and smart contracts to empower individuals with control over their digital identities.

Intellectual property (IP) protection

In the universe of IP protection, smart contracts provide an indisputable registry for creators, timestamping creations on the blockchain to establish ownership. They enable automated licensing and enforce royalty payments, terms of use, and duration autonomously.

Just to mention, BASEMENT is a platform that utilizes smart contracts to manage music rights and automate royalty payouts to artists and rights holders.

Gaming & NFTs

Non-fungible tokens and gaming smart contract development transform the industry by enabling transparent, secure, and automated transactions. They facilitate the creation, sale, and transfer of digital assets.

A popular play-to-earn game, Axie Infinity utilizes NFTs to represent in-game creatures (Axies) that players can breed, battle, and trade.

Retail & eCommerce

In the retail sector, smart contracts revolutionize transactions by automating purchase processes, payment management, and dispute resolutions. They automate loyalty programs, track customer behavior, and improve customer engagement.

IBM Food Trust is a blockchain platform that utilizes smart contracts to track food products throughout the supply chain to offer traceability for consumers.

These are just a few examples of how smart contracts are transforming various industries. With time, we can expect even more innovative use cases to emerge in the years to come.

Closing Remark…..

As we’ve explored, smart contract development is a rapidly evolving field that holds immense potential for transforming various industries. As more organizations recognize the benefits, the integration of smart contracts into their operations will become increasingly common.

Blocktunix, as a leading smart contract development company, is poised to revolutionize industries through its innovative solutions. So by partnering with Blocktunix for smart contract development, businesses can drive operational efficiency.

Get in touch today and leverage the benefits of smart contracts!




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