The Inevitable Triumph of Bitcoin Over Fiat Currency

Igor Yanchenko
3 min readApr 22, 2024


Bitcoin vs. Fiat: The Future of Currency — Witness the unstoppable rise of Bitcoin, symbolizing security and freedom, as fiat fades into obsolescence, burdened by economic manipulation and instability.

In the relentless battle between fiat currency and Bitcoin, the outcome is unequivocally clear: Bitcoin is destined to prevail. This is not merely a speculative assertion but a conclusion derived from an understanding of the inherent weaknesses of fiat and the formidable strengths of Bitcoin.

The Fundamental Flaws of Fiat

Fiat currencies, the colorful paper monies controlled by governmental entities, are fundamentally flawed by design. They are subject to the whims and fancies of economic policies, often manipulated to serve short-term political interests rather than long-term economic stability. The power to print money at will can lead to inflation, devaluing the hard-earned savings of individuals. Fiat is fundamentally a tool of control rather than empowerment.

Bitcoin: Empowerment Through Technology

In stark contrast, Bitcoin represents the pinnacle of technological advancement in monetary policy, providing a decentralized, borderless, and secure form of currency. It is immune to the control of any single entity, governed instead by cryptographic algorithms and the immutable laws of mathematics. This ensures that no central authority can dilute the value of Bitcoin by arbitrarily increasing its supply.

The Market as the Ultimate Arbiter

From the perspective of Homo Economicus, the superiority of Bitcoin lies in its ability to operate within the free market, where every transaction is voluntary and every individual retains full control over their assets. This aligns perfectly with the principles of self-ownership and the non-aggression principle. Bitcoin, by design, is resistant to censorship, confiscation, and manipulation. It empowers individuals, enabling them to act according to their rational self-interest, free from the coercive influence of any government.

Speculation and Rational Choice

While both fiat and Bitcoin see their share of speculation, the speculation surrounding Bitcoin does not detract from its underlying value. Instead, it highlights the growing recognition of its potential to fundamentally alter how we understand and utilize money. Rational actors in the market are increasingly choosing Bitcoin not out of mere speculation but because it offers a more stable, predictable, and secure alternative to fiat.

The Path Forward

As more individuals awaken to the limitations and coercive nature of fiat currencies, the shift towards Bitcoin and similar technologies will accelerate. This is not merely a shift in financial preferences but a revolutionary move towards reclaiming personal liberty and autonomy. The path forward is clear: away from the outdated and coercive fiat systems, and towards the liberating, empowering technology of cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin.

In conclusion, the days of fiat currency are numbered. Bitcoin offers a promising, secure future where individual rights and freedoms are paramount, upheld not by the false promises of government but by the unyielding principles of decentralized technology. Fiat, with its reliance on government control and susceptibility to economic mismanagement, stands no chance against the rising tide of Bitcoin, which is built on the unassailable foundation of personal autonomy and freedom. The market, the ultimate judge, is set to declare Bitcoin the unequivocal victor in this monetary duel.



Igor Yanchenko

Anarchist, Bitcoin advocate, defender of personal freedom and financial autonomy.